Argitaratu: 20.01.2019
Last weekend, I went to Dijon with the other German Wwoofer, who is currently staying with Philippe.
As always, I had already thought about what I wanted to see and marked the points on maps.
There was definitely a lot to do, which we somehow quickly completed. We couldn't get into the marked Catholic churches at first because they were either closed or a funeral was taking place. Later, we found a way into Notre-Dame-de-Dijon.
On the side of Notre-Dame-de-Dijon, there is a small owl on a buttress. According to legend, a wish comes true if you touch the owl with your left hand.
The little owl is also dedicated to a whole tour of the old town, so we were able to explore the city very well and saw a few places that were not on my agenda.
We were led into a 'gilets jaune' protest for a short distance, where we actually walked with them for a few meters. Fortunately, they were peaceful, well, there were children with them too.