
Berlin-London-Miami...uh New York-San Jose

Avaldatud: 14.12.2022

I'm in Costa Rica! 🙂

Most of you probably know how I ended up exploring the other side of the world. For everyone else: Because I can 😅 But seriously...when you get the chance to do what your heart tells you, you should do it. And since I'm free and unattached, can afford it, and have the courage and adventurous spirit within me, I decided to travel. Since I've been almost everywhere in Southeast Asia, I definitely wanted to explore Central and South America now. A whole month of organization, some obstacles, stress, and many experiences later, the time had finally come. But before that, I had the opportunity and the luck to see many dear people and have a good time with them. Thanks to everyone who has been there for me in the past few weeks, wished me a lot of fun, gave me tips, drove or accommodated me in Berlin ❤️

On December 7th, I flew from Berlin to London. However, we couldn't take off due to the weather and had to wait 2 hours in the plane before it finally started. As a result, I missed my flight to Miami, of course. The airline rebooked me to Dallas, but this flight was practically impossible to get because I had to get my boarding pass at the counter first and the queue there seemed endless. So I got a flight to New York, which I had to run for, just like in Berlin and London before. In New York, I had to pick up my luggage and check it in again, but I made a pretty stupid mistake and my luggage went down to the basement and disappeared without a baggage tag. In San Jose, I went straight to the lost luggage counter and had to provide a thousand things there. By that time it was already 11pm local time and I had been traveling for over 24 hours. Luckily, I had contact with the hostel I had booked and they sent me a driver to pick me up. Poor guy had to wait for me for a long time because it wasn't really fast at the counter. But he was really nice and we smoked a cigarette together. I quickly went to bed in the hostel around 2am because I was dead tired. In hindsight, I only realized that I would have been completely lost without English. Someone without knowledge of English would have been lost.

Thick clouds over Germany.

The next day (actually the same day), I didn't do much. Got a local SIM card, looked for something to eat, slept, and tried to understand the gibberish of my roommate - British accent 😅 In the evening, I visited a friend who is studying abroad here. We watched a movie and talked with a few of her friends. Then I got a call that my luggage had been found and had already arrived in San Jose. They would bring it to me at the hostel. Mega!

Since I'm an experienced traveler, I had the most important things in my carry-on luggage, including spare clothing for a few days. Because this was already the third time that my luggage had been lost. But I was lucky in a way each time.

The next morning, it was downstairs at the reception. What a feeling of luck. Now I can finally settle in here.

There it is!
Our hostel dog is constantly lying around somewhere and sleeping.
My room. At the moment, I have it all to myself.
The garden in the hostel.
From a different perspective.
The squirrel happily ran over the power cables.
Breakfast at a great bakery around the corner.

Otherwise, I didn't do much in San José. I wanted to arrive in peace and get to know the country and its people a bit. But one evening, I went to a vegan restaurant and had a drink with my friend's boyfriend - who is visiting and whom I had met the night before - and his attorney. And the other evening, I had dinner with my friend. It was really nice to know someone on site. Since the friend is also going to travel around Costa Rica soon, we will definitely meet somewhere again.

On December 11th, I took a bus to Puerto Viejo, a small town on the southern Caribbean coast. There I will take a 2-week Spanish course. But more about that later.

Goodbye friends.


Costa Rica
Reisiaruanded Costa Rica