
First cautious excursions

Eldonita: 06.09.2019

A whole week of sunshine, and that in early spring. That's real luck here in Valdivia. After Glasgow in Scotland, we are the rainiest region on Earth. Such good weather naturally draws me outdoors, in my hiking shoes or on my bike (even if my legs are still a bit sore). So, over the weekend, I spent a lot of time in the city. I walked along the banks of the Calle-Calle, where you eventually come across the city's famous fish market. I don't think the market itself is so infamous (except for the very cheap fish), but what fascinates me are the sea lions and pelicans that gather on the concrete benches in front of the market, hoping to get some fish scraps. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to take a particularly nice photo of them yet. After that, I walked through the center and a local supermarket back to the apartment. Here, you can find either very small kiosks where you only find the bare necessities, or huge supermarkets. I think that's the influence of the Americans. You can find everything here, from bras and car tires to apples and toothpaste. For me, going to the supermarket is already a little adventure in itself (especially if you know me and how much time I can spend in foreign grocery stores, and how peculiar it all is to me). Overall, I think that groceries are more expensive here than in Germany. I will try to buy fruits and vegetables at the local market.

On Sunday, I planned to explore Isla Teja, where the Universidad Austral de Chile and the laboratory are located. It's a good 5 km to walk, so I treated myself to my first empanadas con mariscos. These are filled, fried, or baked (typical Spanish) pastries, in my case with seafood. Strengthened, I strolled around Isla Teja and the university campus. I discovered Parque Saval with the Laguna de Lotos. It is a fenced park that houses a sculpture exhibition, various playgrounds, and barbecue areas, as well as a lotus pond. Many Chileans gather in the park for traditional barbecues, where skewers of meat are turned over the fire for hours. There are quite a few parks like this here, and most of them require a small entrance fee (0.80-150 Euros). The botanical garden on the university campus is also worth a visit; I think I will spend my breaks there more often.

Fortunately, I can borrow a bike from a lab colleague. It's not quite the right size, but hey, at least I'm mobile! So in the morning, if the weather allows, I can simply ride a quarter of an hour to the lab instead of hoping that the right bus line will arrive soon (besides, it somehow has Greifswald style).

On Friday (today), I was already off work at noon, so I decided to explore another part of the city. I decided to explore the second part of the campus (Miraflores) and go a bit further to the river delta. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't quite as stable, and the rain caught up with me. However, you can wonderfully admire the beginning of spring with various early bloomers and magnolias. I didn't quite make it to the top of the section, as this area was closed off for logging. Nevertheless, I was able to enjoy a few views of the "Rio Valdivia".

I have attached a map for you to get an idea of the location of the things described. 1 is Parque Seval on Isla Teja, 2 is the premature end of my Friday excursion, and 3 is the fish market. I live near the smiling face.

Have a great weekend! (No liability for grammar mistakes)

Frieda (September 6th)

Respondu (1)

Hey Frieda, du weißt doch wenn Engel reisen...... Wir verfolgen immer mit großer Begeisterung deine neuen Beiträge und freuen uns das du uns daran teilhaben lässt. Für die nächsten Erkundungen wünschen wir gaaaannnnzzzz viel Spaß.

Vojaĝraportoj Ĉilio