
Friday, 27.8.2021

Eldonita: 28.08.2021

(Delayed entry due to lack of internet connection)

Today's (shorter) route: Landry (777 m) - Le Villaret (1297 m) - Le Moulin (1264 m) - Beaupraz (1524 m) - Les Bettières (1556 m)

After a strenuous day yesterday and because we were comfortable in a hotel, we took it easy today. Package pickup at the post office with unnecessary luggage. Shopping in a slightly understocked village store. We don't start hiking until around 11 a.m., meet Jean-Claude again at the exposed church above the village, and walk together to Le Villaret. (He then stays behind and we don't see him again afterwards.) Leisurely ascent up the valley, stop at a village inn in Pesey-Nancroix. Picnic higher up at a stream. Impressive buildings of an old mining village with a school for aspiring miners, apparently commissioned by Napoléon the First. A beautiful ensemble of buildings. We continue towards today's destination, in the area of Refuge de Rosuel, have a drink there before setting up our bivouac.

Respondu (1)

Das Drama vor dem Refuge de Rosuel! Der arme Jean-Claude! 😔😎 Blieb er auf der Strecke?