
One step forward and two back

Published: 15.07.2024

The lovely little 'Marmelkroken' hotel awaits us with a wonderful breakfast. The owner lovingly explains to us each delicacy on our table. We are spoiled with cheese, ham, rhubarb chutney, lingonberry jam, syrup and much more - all homemade and from the neighborhood. Less is more - even today. Although less than this radiant sunshine, oh we don't want that either and leave early towards Andenes. Today we take it a bit easier in terms of kilometers, but with more peace and enjoyment for body and mind. That was the plan, but then the headwind came, but really, squarely from the front, fan on - no chance. At first we found it really funny, but when we realized that we were hardly making any progress, it became quiet and everyone pedaled for all they were worth. We had to 'shed' weight. 200 grams of Freia and off it goes. Fair distribution: 100 grams in Peter, 100 grams in Anja. Full power against all the northern winds in glorious 21 degrees, sunshine and the most beautiful beaches you can imagine. The route to Andenes leads first to Bleik via a small coastal road. Today we take it easy and sit a lot on the beach, dipping our feet into the enticingly blue and warm-looking 13!!! degree cold seawater. No one really wants to continue, it is the magical world of colorful colors, the warming sun, and the delicious blueberry cake here at the northern end of the Vesterålen - or it is simply the fear of the murderous headwind on the road, which secretly laughs behind us. It's no use, we have to be at the ferry pier early tomorrow morning. The ferry to the next island, Senja, leaves at 8:45 AM. After 57 kilometers (some felt double) and 310 meters of elevation gain, we reach Andenes in the evening. The day was blue, white, red - like the flag of Norway - and so much more. It leaves us content and grateful and hoping that the headwind will only blow on the ferry tomorrow.
