
Tag 3: Vulcan > Transalpina > Strategica > Voineasa

Published: 10.07.2024

After yesterday's stage was quite long, today I recovered until 8:00 a.m.

Then I saddled up the Fia and headed up to the Pasul Vulcan. The road up was winding and nothing was happening. Lots of fun and a great view.

Then off-road downhill with pretty big boulders. I only went at walking pace. The view was phenomenal. Later I discovered the enduro mode 😅. From that point on, off-roading was only half as difficult.

Once we reached the valley, we passed through a few Romanian villages towards Transalpina.

And then finally arrived at the starting point of the Transalpina in Novaci. The number of motorcyclists multiplies here within a few minutes. Everyone says hello 👋🏻. The asphalt on the route is of good quality. Countless curves lead through the Rânca ski area to the summit. At the top, first a photo session for the memoirs. Then downhill towards Obarsia Lotrului.

Turned into the Strategica (TET Section 4) with a Czech halfway through. That was really cool, cool, cool. Windows XP background the whole way. Pure off-road. Difficulty level okay, I had practice from yesterday. Did about 40km again - this time with a full tank 😅. But I still had to sweat a lot. Three wild dogs wanted to bite the Fia, but not me. I was prepared 😜 and bit back. So much dirt all over my equipment. I'll clean everything again soon.

Later in the valley we stopped at the stream to relax in the water temperature, which was estimated to be cool at 24°C. The air was still at 33°C. I've gotten used to sweating.

Continue to Voineasa and to the guesthouse of the same name. It's very family-friendly here and you'll be greeted with borscht, beer and palinka 🥴. Later, there's also steak and chips. Highly recommended.


Travel reports Romania