
Off we go to Western Australia!

Published: 12.12.2023

Here we go!

Western Australia is calling and we are listening! In just under 2 months it will be time to leave the German winter and dive into the Australian summer. For four weeks we will leave the cold behind us and enjoy summer, sun, beaches, fascinating animals and - of course - Australians.

Of course I made a packing list and yes, I also have a list of all the things I want to buy in Western Australia. The problem will be getting everything into my suitcase, but it wouldn't be the first time I've flown somewhere with 5KG of luggage and come back with 30KG. Traveling is like real life: it's always easier to gain weight than to lose weight.

Many shops are visited, dozens of souvenirs are bought and thousands of photos are taken. After all, Western Australia is a brilliant place and my short holiday there in 2009 left me hungry for more.

Off we go...

Western Australia is calling and we're listening. In around two months it's time to leave the German winter and dive into the Australian summer. For four weeks we'll leave the cold behind and enjoy summer, sun, beaches, amazing animals, and - of course - Aussies!

Of course, I have made a packing list and yes, I also made a list of things I want to get in WA. The problem will be to fit everything into my suitcase, but it's not the first time that I go somewhere with 5kg and come back with 30kg. Traveling is like real life: it's always much easier to gain weight than lose it.

There'll be plenty of shops to visit, dozens of souvenirs to buy, and thousands of photos to be taken. After all, Western Australia is a terrific place and my short trip there in 2009 has left my hungry for more.
