
#housekeeping: week 6 -

Published: 19.12.2016

Welcome to Kiwi International Hotel :)

First of all, let me give you a little introduction to the team so that you can get to know my funny and not so funny colleagues a little bit. ;) Photos will follow.

Shakun (Shakunita):

Well, where should I start? She is our supervisor and comes from Fiji. Therefore, she speaks typical Fijian English. Shakun is always looking for a way to annoy us casual housekeeper girls. With her hypocritical grin and her "oooooooh" that comes out of her mouth when she is totally amazed by something, she is unmistakable. Her trademark is her golden tooth. Her husband passed away two years ago. Since then, she has been looking for a new one. "I take any," she always says with a grin, and it almost seems desperate. Together with Lusi (a colleague) and Bridget alias Bibi, she stalks the construction workers next to the Kiwi International Hotel from the window. :D


Another Fiji beast. Malicious and mean. "Please, thank you, or good morning" do not exist in her vocabulary. She is a supervisor when Shakun has her day off, which is typically once a week. Then, she naturally acts like the boss and presents herself accordingly. That means for us casual girls it's always "The Day of Fear and Horror". She has her own trolley, cleaning bucket, cleaning supplies, and her own broom - for sweeping, of course. To avoid accidentally using her beloved things, she has fortunately labeled all her belongings with "Uma's". With her broom, she resembles a true witch and could even fly away. :) She secretly takes coffee breaks with Shakun and Sheeda. "Tscha" is their code word for it, which we discovered after a short time. Her vocabulary consists of about a measly 10 words. "come, vacuum, swipe, mop, dirty, and yeeesss"....


The third follower of the Fiji beasts. There isn't much else to say about her. After 4 weeks, she finally remembered my name and now tries to build a good working relationship with the casual housekeeper girls through unfunny jokes. Well, very strange. What else will happen?

Naz (Nazman):

Also from Fiji, but the complete opposite of the other three. She is like a mom to us casual girls. She does everything for us. Secretly prepares the best milk foam coffee for us and gives us anything she finds in the guest rooms while cleaning. She has grown-up children herself, so she knows how we young casual girls feel here. With her friendly, loving, mothering nature, you can't help but love her.

Lusi (Lusiana):

She lives with her mother and her boyfriend, she is 21 years old, slightly built. This job is not her dream job. In February, she wants to start her career as a nurse. Her mother is Maori. Working with her is fun and very pleasant, especially since she has a laid-back attitude and we always have a lot of laughs with her. "You guys are so funny," she always says when we occasionally can't find the right English word for what we actually mean.


Our laundry lady, who also comes from Fiji. She always has a smile on her face and is the first to say "Good morning" in the morning. She always has towels and sheets for us casual girls. It is difficult to assess how she really stands with the Fiji beasts, as she always speaks badly about them behind their backs, but then jokes with them again. However, she is definitely a nice girl.


The cool Thai girl is here on a work n' holiday, just like us. Working with her is always funny and easy. She is uncomplicated, a true team player, and makes funny sounds while working. On her days off, she always enjoys her time, which she is absolutely right about. :)

Bridget alias Bibi:

My travel mate and probably my favorite colleague is indispensable in this team. As a well-coordinated team, our record is to clean a check-out room in 9 minutes. Who can beat that... :D She particularly loves dusting and does it very thoroughly. With her new cheeky haircut, she has turned Vindansh's head and he even uses aftershave now.


She recently joined our team. She is 26, from Chile, and has been learning English for a year. She traveled alone to New Zealand to improve her English and is also here for work n' holiday. Admirable! She is very grateful for everything. Please, dear Romina. :D


The always cheerful and cheeky French girl is up for any fun. She joined our team two weeks ago, and I have had the pleasure of working with her several times. Since she doesn't pronounce "h," there are occasionally funny stories that I won't keep from you later on. :D


Our dear Christina from Germany is full of funny quotes. During lunch, she often sits with her phone and suddenly starts laughing out of nowhere. You just have to laugh along, even though you don't even know what it's actually about. She particularly loves the public area. "Schalalalala!" Right, Christina? With her positive and uplifting manner, she makes the housekeeper's everyday life more bearable.


The spirited girl from Slovakia is up for any fun. She has her own will, which she always asserts. After work, we have hung out together a few times. Stalking "sandwiches" with her is definitely a highlight. By the way, you will find out what a "sandwich" is later. She always teaches us "family-friendly" words in Czech and Slovak, which Bibi and I also diligently use.


Our Czech flatmate. A girl to love. :) Adela is an honest down-to-earth girl whom we luckily got to know through work. You can have serious conversations with her, and she is also up for any fun. She is probably the fastest and most efficient girl at work. "Do not rush," she always says, and still remains calm. How she manages to do that is still a mystery to me. In any case, I have really grown fond of her.


I only briefly met the lively girl from Uruguay. In any case, she always rolled her eyes whenever one of our Fiji beasts gave an order. By the way, she met her boyfriend in a strip club. She was there because of the cheap drinks, what else? :D All the best for you, Camilla.


The Irish girl was very quiet and inconspicuous. With her special Irish accent, I had to ask her three times what she meant every time. She always did her work quickly and conscientiously. She suddenly didn't show up anymore, which is understandable considering the Fiji beasts.


Our Czech flatmate and laundry boy. Diligent and hardworking, he walks along the corridors several times a day and collects all the linen. He is always inconspicuous at work but very talkative at home. When he tells a story, you just have to listen and laugh along. David is Adela's partner - a dream team. We love spending our free time with them. :)


The Indian laundry boy is always walking through the corridors, collecting the laundry, and supplying us with new towels and sheets. With the consumption of 7 loose eggs, his protein requirements should also be covered.

Others worth mentioning:


Jana, Hindan, Jacob, Saurabh, Ischith



Answer (1)

Linda alias Gerlinde: meine süße Lieblingspartnerin, welche die Haare gerne untidy trägt und ihren Kaffee lieber im Stehen trinkt. Zwischendurch bekommt sie Liebesbriefe vom Inder und ist bei den Fiji-Biestern bestens eingeschleimt ;-) Die Betten macht sie am liebsten zu zweit und zwar ruckizuck, als letzte geht sie ungern zum Lunch :-) Ihre Lieblingstätigkeit ist die Public Area, die sie des öfteren auch ausüben darf. Arbeitet man mit ihr zusammen, darf man sich schon vorher freuen etwas zu finden, da sie hier seltsamerweise jeden Tag ein glückliches Händchen hat. ;-) Die Gäste lieben ihr freundliches Wesen und positive Ausstrahlung - die beste Housekeeperin die sich das Kiwihotel wünschen kann. ❤