
Valle de la Luna and Lagunas Baltinache

Published: 24.12.2018

Hello! In the pictures, you are now with us on 2 days. We were able to sleep in, organize ourselves in the morning... As much as possible. Yesterday, the power went out in the town and everything we needed, from ATM to internet, was down. The tour through Valle de la Luna went over huge sand dunes and through narrow caves (not for me) and ended with about 1000 other people at the viewpoint for the sunset. And for the salt lagoons, we were out with Alejandro again, who also showed us the Lagunas Altiplanicas. By the way, he is not Chilean, he comes from Venezuela. We realized that we really can't determine the nationality based on appearance or pronunciation.😉 It sounds funny when he speaks his first learned German sentences... He, like many young people from Venezuela, left his hometown due to the economic and political situation and goes wherever he can work as a tour guide: Cusco, Peru, Lake Titicaca, Bolivia... Next, he wants to go to Costa Rica. Although his wife still lives in Peru. It took an hour straight on a gravel road to get to the lagoons... Phew! His good taste in music during the drive was also helpful! And then we could go into the refreshing water with 40% salt content. It's impossible to sink. Like little salt herrings, we walked through the rest of the lagoon landscape. After the return, we had Chilean pizza on Alejandro's recommendation. Without thinking, I ordered my classic with arugula! And... my stomach handled it well! I am now also resistant to germs! 🤞
