

Published: 25.05.2024

Our "Horta adventure" was short, but we are staying here on Pico for 4 nights. The ferry took us over in just 30 minutes, it's only 12 km. Picking up the car was routine, after a red and a white one, we now had a VW UP in "Baby Blue". We found accommodation quickly, but check-in was only possible from 3 p.m., so we started our first island tour, stopping at the mini-market for our first shopping trip. We went south along the coast to Lajes do Pico, then north and around the local mountain. But today it was hidden in the clouds again. We stopped off in Lajes, an old fishing village. Whaling was carried out in the town until 1983. Today you can book tours there to catch whales with your camera. Our hunger led us to a bakery, which always has a delicious lunch menu. The dessert was particularly delicious. You can always see vineyards along the way. Wine is grown here on the black lava rock and within walls. This is supposed to store the heat particularly well. We were back in Calhau at around 4.30 p.m. and were able to go to our accommodation. The apartments are very stylishly furnished, spread over 2 floors with a view of the Atlantic and now we are enjoying the sunshine. Today we will taste the first type of wine from here and hope for a beautiful sunset!

Answer (1)

Wunderschöne Landschaft! Ich staune immer wieder über die tollen Unterkünfte. Das setzt wohl eine sorgfältige Planung voraus. Ich weiß wer geplant hat...... Euch noch eine schöne Reise und falls Ihr nicht zurückkommen wollt...ich kann es verstehen. Liebe Grüße von Annette