

Published: 06.05.2024

Today is another "normal" day. No parade and therefore no 1000 pictures. There are not nearly as many different motifs in the levadas and mountains, but the risk of repetition is much greater. We'll see...

Today we changed location. We are now further west on the island. Our quarters are in the middle of a vineyard, but again with a view of the Pacific. We were greeted with something typical from here, juice from the pitanga (also Surinam cherry), coral red, slightly sour. On our way here we stopped for a hike and walked along the Levada Nova in the valley of the Ribeira da Ponta do Sol into the valley and back along the Levada Moinho. The watercourses are in very good condition! Deep in the valley the two levadas almost meet. The path was divided twice by the river. There were no bridges, so everyone had to find their own "stony" path. Paths were about 50 cm wide, right next to the levadas or directly on the concrete. There are usually safety ropes on the slope, but sometimes they are missing. You should not be afraid of heights. But it was not strenuous today. In the in-house restaurant we tried swordfish and sea bream today. Both were deliciously prepared with special sauces. A good reward for the day of hiking.
