
Feels like home!

Published: 04.10.2017

We spent the second night at a lonely little rest area in nature. Actually, it is recommended to stay away from rest areas as you can quickly be attacked there, but we had a good feeling and indeed, we had the whole night to ourselves. Naomi is now sleeping on the front two-seater bench so that we all have enough space. In the morning, we went to the larger city 'le Havre'. Very beautiful, it reminded us a bit of Wuppertal, but with the sea. Anyway, many places remind us of home. For example, when we drove over a bridge over the Seine, I briefly thought it was the Rhein.. But of course, unlike home, there is much more to discover here. And when do you ever go to the Rhein at home to cook pasta with pesto and enjoy the view while eating? You should actually do that from time to time, we think.

On the way to the next planned parking space for the night, we accidentally took a wrong turn in the forest, where I discovered the forest floor covered in chestnuts! If that wasn't fate :-)

The night was nice and quiet. Apart from us, there was only one other caravan at the small parking space. This morning, an older man with a dog walked by and immediately addressed us in German. The first person we have spoken to and understood in days! It was a real experience to speak with such a warm gentleman who was also very enthusiastic about our project. We were in such a small village in the middle of nowhere, where Germans don't often come, and he was probably happy to practice a bit of German again. Our attempts to speak to French people in English before were all.. well.. pretty pointless :D

Answer (2)

Klingt ja wie ein gelungener Anfang, weiter viel Spaß, LG, Udo

Ich hoffe solche Begegnungen widerfahren euch noch öfter. Bin immer ganz neugierig auf die Fortsetzung.....alles Gute!

Travel reports France
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