

Wotae: 31.01.2019

Full of beautiful impressions in Etosha National Park, we set off for Twyfelfontein after breakfast. Stopover in Outjo for refueling and shopping.

Long, beautiful asphalt road, then the last 90 km gravel road, condition varies from great to poor. As soon as we arrived at Camp Kipwe Lodge, we felt immediately relaxed. The most beautiful destination in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by rocks and red sand. The view stretches into the infinite distance.

We (the adults) get a great stone hut that is built directly into the rocks, the kids have their own tent outdoors!!!! With two comfortable beds inside. They immediately disappeared into it and started playing

and arranging it with everything they might need. Then we continued exploring the surroundings. There is an outdoor shower, toilet, and sink. Colorful geckos scurry over the rock walls. It's really beautiful during the day, exciting to eerie as it gets darker.

And a private terrace where you can enjoy the expansive view. Wow!

Then we immediately go to the small beautiful pool, which cools us down nicely.

Everyone enjoys the outdoor shower! The hot water is heated by a fireplace in front of each hut.

We hike up the "mountain" for sunset, at the foot of which our lodge is located. When we reach the top, we are breathless with this breathtaking view over the infinite expanse, interrupted by amazing rock formations and mountains on the horizon. The low-lying sun paints picturesque shadows of the bushes. No matter which direction you look, it is incredibly beautiful. The wind is blowing a bit, we sit comfortably on cushions/sofas, and drink something cold (there is a bar for sunset). Small sweet snacks are also provided.

The sun sets behind the mountains, and we enjoy the evening atmosphere.

Then we go down to the restaurant for a delicious dinner.

When it's dark, we see the beautiful starry sky with countless stars, and we can see the Milky Way!

We put an extra mattress in the middle of the tent and all 4 of us sleep outside in the tent!!!! How exciting! Before falling asleep, Papa tells the popular animal bedtime stories.

The next morning, we drive to Twyfelfontein, about 15 km away. Named after the "doubtful source" (which used to come out of the rocks there). There are rock paintings to see, a world heritage site. The road there is terrible. We see a wild family of monkeys! We take a guided tour with the guide "Martin" and see beautiful paintings that were painted by Bushmen thousands of years ago. Very exciting and beautiful, and the kids are excited because there are many rocks to climb along the way. With temperatures over 30 degrees, we return to the starting point with bright red faces, and then an incredible coincidence happens: on the small path, we meet my aunt and uncle from Hannover!!!!!! We knew that we would be in the same area at about the same time, but we actually only expected to meet in a few days in Swakopmund! If we had arrived 10 minutes earlier or later, we would not have run into each other. What a joy. We invite them to have a lunch break with us at our lodge, and so we spend a relaxed time together on the beautiful outdoor terrace, exchanging our experiences.

Afterwards, Konstantin and I can enjoy the view and tranquility while the kids play together for a long time.

Then of course we go back to the pool and enjoy a beautiful sundowner on the mountain! Again, this breathtaking view of the flat and rocky valley.

They set up a nice table for us away from the other guests, with a magnificent view, which we really enjoy. Lio falls asleep before dinner, so we have Maxima to ourselves for a while. Maxi proudly shows us some of her pictures on her camera. Many beautiful photos from her perspective and snapshots of us and Lio.

Unfortunately, she accidentally deleted all the pictures from Etosha and the days before, she was quite sad. Fortunately, if we're lucky, they can be restored.

We sleep again in the tent, rested and exhausted.

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jetzt habe ich das mit dem Kommentar erst geklickt! Also, vielen dank für die ausführliche Beschreibung. da wird man nicht nur neidisch. sondern freut sich über die vielfältigkeit eures Erlebens! super. Hoffentlich überholen sihc die Eindrücke nicht gegenseitig und könnte ihr die verlorenen Bilder wiederbekommen! ich freue mich schon auf die nächste Berichte!! Besonderen Gruß an die beiden Kinder von Opa Martin!

Namibia ƒe ŋkɔ
Mɔzɔzɔ ŋuti nyatakakawo Namibia ƒe ŋkɔ