
Mass tourism in the desert oasis

Wotae: 24.11.2018

5600 inhabitants who are not visible as they are submerged in a flood of tourists. During the spring, the current temperature is a crisp 35°C in the shade, not a cloud in sight. Despite the many tourists, the colonial town has a wonderfully relaxed and summery charm. The density of tourists is even higher than in Cusco. The cozy main square is crowned by a small adobe and cactus wood church, typical of what you find in the desert. Although San Pedro is relatively well supplied with water, being an oasis and all. The little church even has a functioning (indigenous) organ with a bellows. Unfortunately, we couldn't access it since the priest didn't show up at the agreed time, as we have already experienced in Chile. So, we passed the time with tours in the Atacama. The Valley of the Moon is breathtaking, provided you can overlook the many tour buses that arrive there. At first, we didn't find it particularly impressive, but the 360° view from a narrow ridge of the vegetation-free and endless desert landscape, including a sunset, makes up for a lot. Even the annoying guide.

That same evening, stargazing was on the agenda because in the Atacama, there is almost no artificial light to obscure the view. However, the full moon added to the experience, but that was not only a disadvantage! Through a professional telescope, we could admire the very impressive moon, as well as Saturn with its rings, star clusters, and Mars.

During another tour in the desert, it was clear that there are several sources of water, either fresh or salty. One lagoon had an average salt content of 25%, which is almost as much as the Dead Sea. So, we hopped in and our legs automatically floated to the surface. This is bathing to Eva's taste - escaping the desert heat and not having to do anything. Afterwards, we were completely covered in salt.

Actually, we had planned another tour, but, as fate would have it, the bus forgot us. This was the 3rd time we were stood up. The difference here was that the tour company apologized multiple times and, of course, refunded our money.

Ŋuɖoɖo (2)

Welche Gegensätze ihr immer wieder erlebt

Kann man so sagen

Mɔzɔzɔ ŋuti nyatakakawo Chile