

Wotae: 09.07.2018

On Tuesday morning, I am awakened by a light drizzle, but fortunately it quickly clears up. I turn over and doze for a while. Around nine, I am awakened again - the Dicke just vomited all over the tent. I chase the culprit out of our dwelling and inspect the mess. Fortunately, it is mostly limited to Rango's blanket and a piece of tent floor, so it is quickly cleaned up. Time to finally get up. I wash Rango's blanket in the nearby mountain stream and cool myself down a bit. Then I have breakfast while Rango gets nothing for now. By half past eleven, our stuff is packed and we can continue walking. Due to Rango limping the night before, I put his bags on my backpack and we march to Hilcha, where after an hour and a half of hiking, I have a coffee at the local cafe. Rango is also walking well again by this point and gets a belated breakfast. After an hour's break, we continue and are soon invited to ride in a van to the center of the next town. After nearly 6 km, we reach Banyliv-Pidhirnyj. Here, I can replenish my cash reserves, supplement our food supplies, and have a local grandmother fill up my water bottle. Then we continue east through meadows and fields, past small homesteads, and through shady forests. I am very glad that the paths had some time to dry, otherwise it would have been quite messy again. Shortly before half past six, I finish the day's stage about 3 km west of the village of Cheresh and set up our tent on a piece of mown grass with the permission of a resident. The kind man also provides me with drinking water, so the day ends quite worry-free.

At three in the morning, the Dicke vomits again in our shared shelter - I'm a bit fed up and kick Rango out of the tent for the rest of the night. I suspect it was the dry food that I bought in Putyla, it was probably more for the cats. I get up at eight, put my solar panel in the sun, and have a leisurely breakfast. The Dicke enjoys his chicken legs as if nothing had happened. The farmer around the corner provides fresh drinking water, and by half past ten, we are ready to leave. After an hour, I treat myself to a coffee and some waffles in Cheresh, and then we continue north. The next 6 km are quite easy to walk, through meadows and bushes, then we enter a forest and the path becomes less clear. After crossing a larger road, we follow a well-built forest path to the east. The junction to Storozhynets' cannot be found, so we have to rely on forest worker paths. Some of them end up in the middle of nowhere and force us to trudge through the forest to the north. So, we need a good hour for the next two and a half kilometers. Then we find a passable path again and can cover the remaining distance to the city quite quickly. At half past five, after walking about 20 kilometers, we rest at a cafe in Storozhynets' for coffee and ice cream. According to my map, there is a larger body of water called Akva about 10 km north, where Google Maps indicates a campsite. I decide to push on there and hope to stay for several nights. I give up on taking the bus after waiting at the bus stop for a while, so we reach the destination around a quarter to eight, by now quite footsore. The sign by the road already raises doubts about camping, no sign for camping. At the entrance to the 'Akva-Plus' resort, there are also various dog prohibition signs... I have a very bad feeling about this. The young woman at the reception of the associated hotel grants us shelter in a twin room after a short conversation. However, a longer stay, as I had imagined, is not possible due to Rango. That would cause trouble with the boss, who shouldn't know about the one night already. So, the exhausting day ends with a cool shower and a small dinner in the room.


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