
The longest ride ever

Wotae: 05.07.2021

Hello everyone.

Today my post covers two days and a total of 111km. I can't quite believe it yet. As mentioned before, a few days ago we rented bicycles in Dublin to zigzag through Ireland. And that's exactly what we did in the last two days. Like champions! We started at 11 am in Galway and rode along the coast. Our destination: Connemara National Park. With an overnight stop near Doonreaghan. For over half of our route, we constantly had the sea on our left. Unfortunately, it was already raining when we left Galway. So we put on our rain gear (like the day before). According to Google, our planned route should have been only about 50km, as we wanted to make a stop at a B&B halfway through the route. Well, that was wrong. We pedaled...and pedaled...and pedaled, feeling like we weren't moving. Suddenly Google showed us a route of 74km, which depressed us greatly, but it was too late to turn back. So we continued pedaling. In the meantime, Hannah had a short nervous breakdown, but I quickly got her back on track. We pedaled over mountains, through desolate wasteland, across rivers, past countless small lakes, with a thick dark rain cloud over us, which didn't hesitate to make us a little wetter and annoy us to no end. The last 15km of our first leg were probably the longest and hardest 15km of my life. But we made it to our booked B&B near Doonreaghan. Exhausted, soaking wet, and absolutely exhausted, we lay down on the floor in front of our accommodation. A sight to behold. My face bright red and Hannah half asleep, lying next to each other. We ordered burgers and fries (which we stuffed into ourselves like cranes or excavators due to exhaustion) and fell into bed. Today we continued directly. The last 37km to the National Park. Our motivation was absolutely limited, but we still gathered ourselves. Before that, we had an absolutely phenomenal breakfast and were back on the bikes. According to the weather forecast, it shouldn't have rained much today, but once again a rain cloud liked us very much. In no time, we were so wet again that we stopped at the next hotel we saw and asked if we could take shelter with them for a while to escape the rain. They even served us tea and coffee, which we thought was absolutely great. About an hour later, we continued. Always along the foot of the mountains, past free-roaming sheep, past numerous lakes until we felt like we were riding through a jungle. Simply beautiful. Everywhere lush green and waterfalls. Yesterday I cursed Ireland, but today I love it again. 😂

We arrived at our new hostel super well, and the route was very pleasant to ride. But there will be another post about the hostel and the National Park in the next few days.

Until then

Sláááán you little sheep🐑


Mɔzɔzɔ ŋuti nyatakakawo Ireland