Salo’s Journal
Salo’s Journal

Auf Hirsch-Suche/ looking for elk

Wotae: 14.11.2021

Welcome! 🥰

It's been two weeks since I last posted here on the blog. But now there is all the more news! 😌

As reported in the last blog post, the media team and I went to Benezette (Elk County) to photograph elk. When we arrived, we didn't see any at first. But when we saw a whole herd of female elk I was amazed. Sometimes it was hard to distinguish female moose from the deer. But we were much more looking for the male moose. They have the big antlers on their heads. We were already almost despairing , as we saw on the right side next to our car three young elk males, who stared at us. 😂 I just say, 'When you're most suspicious, they show up.' 😉

It was getting darker, but we definitely wanted to catch another slightly older moose. And there he was: in a meadow a few yards away from us. There he just stood quite calmly. My boss Donnie had a lens with him, which could zoom in very well. Thereby he could make the picture with the elk silouette. I think it is really beautiful. After that we were hungry and we went to a hotel restaurant where I was allowed to try elk burgers for the first time. The meat tastes a bit more intense, but otherwise really good. 🙂 

At the beginning of November we had the first snow. But it did not stay. But now it is back! Today and tomorrow it is supposed to snow here. Whether this snow will stay, however, I do not really know. ❄️☃️

Last week one of our bunkhouses used for summer camp was moved away. This one has come to the fort from the Ranch. After all, the bunkhouse by the fort had burned down this year. So the old bunkhouse from the ranch can still be used for some overnight camps that will be held in the summer there. On the pictures you can see a bit of the process, how it all went down and how it looks right now. It looks a bit like a construction site. 🚧👷🏼‍♂️

A new building will then go in there with a few more rooms to accommodate volunteers, staff or campers. 😃 The ground floor is already there. Just a little difficult with the snow right now. But I'll keep you guys posted on how it gets finished then. Until then, I enjoy the view from my room window. ☺️

Next week Saturday we will go on our first break. I had already said the date in the last blogpost. The break is relatively short (9 days). This year I will spend Thanksgiving (drum roll) in New York State again. This time with a new student. She is from Long Island (New York). 🙃

Now I'll share a few more details. Only my blog readers will know before I share it with the Instagram world. 😂So you can type right then on Instagram when I ask again where I'm going. 😉 I'll be taking a day trip to New York City. 🗽 I really wanted to do that in the time I'm here. NYC is 6 hours away from the Ranch by the way, but I never got around to it. It was so convenient since the student lives close by. So grateful to be able to have this experience. I will then take you all along my journey again. Be it here on the blog or on my Instagram Story. 👍🏻🙈 Any tips on what I must see? Could write me about it. ☺️

This week I'm going to be busy packing for the most part. Next Wednesday there will be games in the stable. This time with the horses though. 😂 I had asked if I can participate. You can then win ribbons. Of course, they are not real, but it's still fun! ☺️ There will also be a costume party. Who transformed the horse the best and what theme do you choose? Yesterday there was such a contest about it too. There were themes like the horse keeping horse, a shop horse, a horse for sale and more. 😄

My school projects are going pretty well so far. I'm trying to finish them before I go on break if possible so I can enjoy the time off too. I am reading a book this month about how to overcome evil. Sounds really exciting. 🙂 

Grading Day was postponed last week until next Tuesday because so many got sick. I, thankfully, didn't get any of it. However, we already had our new projects last week Tuesday so we won't miss any time then. Other than that, this week is relaxed.

Saturday we will take the train from Erie (PA) to Rochester (NY). We will spend the night at the student aunt's house. Then on Sunday we will fly in to Long Island. 😃

Thanks for everyone who is thinking of me! 🙃

Until the next entry. ✌🏻🤗


Mɔzɔzɔ ŋuti nyatakakawo USA