


4 Kontinente, 2 Rucksäcke und 1 Jahr: Jan und Natalie auf Weltreise!

Last stop: Home

Last stop: Home

As the blog has accompanied us for 1 year and has documented all our experiences like a diary, we co...

12. Stopp: Georgien - On hell's roads

Von Thailand nach Georgien – wahrscheinlich eine etwas seltsame Reiseroute, aber dafür gab es einige...

5. Stop: New Zealand, Part 1: Where Oceans collide

Aotearoa - Translated, the Maori name for New Zealand means Land of the Long White Cloud. However, w...

Dritter Stopp: Chile, Part 3: Paine-Circuit (O-Track)

„Geteiltes Leid ist halbes Leid“ – Ich (Natalie) habe diesen Spruch nie verstanden, denn für mich wa...

Third stop: Chile, Part 2: Carretera Austral

Patagonia! A long-awaited dream has finally come true: We are in Patagonia, the southern part of Chi...

Second stop: Peru, Part 4: Inka,Inka,Inka

The last major section of our trip to Peru took us on the trail of the Incas. The area around Cusco,...