Kurs Südost
Kurs Südost

Trip to the Camel Park

Wotae: 12.05.2021

While Timo is currently attending the German Entrepreneurs' Stammtisch, getting to know new people and enjoying the Cypriot meze (appetizers) on the side, I, Doreen, am writing this blog article all by myself. Upstairs, the children are sleeping and probably dreaming of our morning trip.

We drove to Mazotos, which is about 16 km away, where the Camel Park is located, which is also home to many other big and small animals.

There were hardly any visitors, and if we had known that all the play facilities - of which there are several in the park - can only be used again from next Monday, we would probably have postponed the trip. However, no one said anything when our two little rascals wouldn't be stopped by the red barriers and conquered the slides and climbing frames.

The park is not too big, but has a lot to offer: rides around the large camel enclosure, camel / donkey and pony rides, lots of playground equipment for toddlers, a hall of mirrors, mini golf, bumper cars, a small arcade and even a swimming pool. At the kiosk, you can try camel milk and buy skincare products made from camel milk at the souvenir shop. The prices are moderate.

Our boys were especially impressed by the camels, but they quickly took cover if one of these giants came too close. We had bought tickets including pony rides, but the two of them weren't interested in that at all. Looking at ponies from a distance, yes, but please don't sit on them! Fortunately, we were allowed to exchange the tickets for a ride in the jeep around the camel enclosure instead.

The visit to the park apparently exhausted the two of them so much that they fell asleep in the car in no time - the first time during the day since our arrival.


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