
Sigiriya - Lions Rock

Wotae: 22.08.2023

Today we got up early again because we wanted to climb the Sigiriya Rock, also known as Lions Rock. The alarm clock rang at 06:15 and after a light breakfast we headed to the rock. Despite the early hour, it was already very hot and the sun was already strong. That's why we were on our way so early and wearing our sun hats. On the way, we started sweating, but then we were lucky that a tuk-tuk driver, who was going to work, gave us a free ride for the last part. The people here are so friendly and helpful!

The Lions Rock is a standalone rock that was inhabited by people 5000 years before Christ. In 477 AD, the rock was expanded by a Sinhalese king to build his palace there. The entire complex includes a palace below the rock, which was particularly known for its gardens, and a fortress on top of the rock. The fortress alone covers an area of 3.6 hectares and extends over several levels. The entire complex is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

To reach the fortress, you have to climb 1200 steps, so it is really recommended to use the morning hours. halfway up the rock there is a plateau where the former main entrance was located. This was formerly guarded by a lion, between whose paws the entrance was located. Over the centuries, the head was broken, but the paws, hewn from the rock, still guard the ascent today. Since the surrounding land is very flat, you have a breathtaking panoramic view of the Central Province of Sri Lanka from above.

On the way down, you pass the Mirror Wall and the 'Cloud Maidens'. The Mirror Wall is a high balustrade that delimits the narrow path up to the rock and is called that because it was so polished that you could see your reflection in it. Today, the wall is known for its 'graffiti'. In the past, visitors left their mark here, and the oldest graffiti is over 1000 years old. The Cloud Maidens are murals on the side walls of the rock, allegedly depicting the 500 concubines of the former king. Today, only 19 pieces are left.

At the end of the circuit, you can visit the remains of the old monastery, which had to make way for the construction of the palace. Here is also the 'Cobra Cave', which owes its name to a rock that resembles the back shield of a cobra.

The entire complex is truly impressive and we had a great view of the surrounding jungle. It was definitely worth getting up so early, as it was already getting very hot and crowded around 10 o'clock.

In addition to the nature and the Lions Rock, Sigiriya also has a lot to offer in terms of cuisine. We ate the best curry in Sri Lanka here. Every day, different ingredients are used, so the food is super diverse. Since Sri Lankan cuisine is very spicy, it is important to order the food 'not spicy'. Sri Lanka also offers delicious fruits and fresh juices and tasty lassis. And although everything is freshly prepared, the food and drinks are very affordable.


Sri Lanka
Mɔzɔzɔ ŋuti nyatakakawo Sri Lanka