18 nach Huelva

Wotae: 04.04.2024

Distance 95 kilometers, cumulative 1,399 kilometers | Elevation 510, cumulative 9,910

Compared to yesterday's adventure, today was boring and dull. Since I had provided myself with more than enough energy after my trip into the wilderness yesterday, it was not easy to fall asleep. Nevertheless, I had a good night without nightmares or other negative thoughts.

I got up at 7 a.m. but didn't leave until after 9 a.m. It was time to get my bike in shape. In particular, the front and rear suspensions needed to be supplied with enough pressure. This is hard work with the mini pump. On Markus' advice, I also cleaned my drive with a toothbrush, as it still has to last a few thousand kilometers.

With today's tour I was able to complete the big detour around the Doñana nature reserve between Cadiz and Huelva. So I'm back on the coast and will arrive in Portugal tomorrow. Then I'll head along the Algarve to the westernmost end.

In Portugal I have to turn back the clock, it will then be our normal time again, i.e. winter time.

As almost always, I decided to stay at the hotel at short notice. The hosts, father and daughter, are very nice. For the first time, I was given a can of beer as a welcome. They also put me in the first room. There is enough space for my eBike.


Compared to yesterday's adventure day, today was crazy and crazy. Just as I was drained of more than enough energy after my trip to the desert, it was no easy task to conceive my dream. Without embargo, I spent a good night without any worries or other negative thoughts.

Even though I rose to the 7th of the month, I didn't get any older until the 9th of the month. It was time to put my bike in shape. In particular, it was necessary to apply sufficient pressure to the front and rear suspensions. It is aerated with the mini pump. Following Markus' advice, I also cleaned my disc with a toothbrush because I still have to walk a few hundred kilometers.

With today's route you can complete the great descent through the Doñana natural park between Cadiz and Huelva. So I'm flying over the coast and will arrive in Portugal tomorrow. Seen from Bordeaux, the Algarve is at the westernmost point.

In Portugal I think that the time will be reduced again and then it will be our normal time, that is, the winter time.

As always, I decide for the hotel with a little hesitation. The enemies, father and daughter, are very friendly. For the first time they greeted me with a beer bottle. We pressed against the first room. There is enough space here for my eBike.

Compared to yesterday's adventure day, today was boring and dull. Since I had provided myself with more than enough energy after my trip into the wilderness yesterday, it wasn't that easy to fall asleep. Nevertheless, I had a good night without nightmares or other negative thoughts.

I got up at 7 am, but didn't leave until after 9 am It was time to get my bike in shape. In particular, the front and rear suspensions had to be supplied with enough pressure. This is exhausting with the mini pump. On Markus' advice, I also cleaned my drive with a toothbrush, because it still has to last a few thousand kilometers.

With today's tour I was able to complete the big detour around the Doñana nature reserve between Cadiz and Huelva. So I'm back on the coast and will arrive in Portugal tomorrow. After that, it's along the Algarve to the westernmost end.

In Portugal I have to turn back time again, it will then be our normal time again, i.e. winter time.

As almost always, I decided to stay at the hotel at short notice. The hosts, father and daughter, are very nice. For the first time, I was given a can of beer as a welcome. They also put me in the first room. There is enough space for my eBike.


Mɔzɔzɔ ŋuti nyatakakawo Spain