
Bus trip with consequences...

Wotae: 25.02.2018

February 11 - 15

The bus trip was over, not without a few consequences, but over nonetheless.

My stomach was rumbling as if it had been on a roller coaster for 19 hours, and the tiredness was also evident.

Understandable with only 2 hours of sleep...

However, my mood improved and the aches were temporarily forgotten when I observed the landscape of the area.

Beautiful hills of various shapes and sizes rose beside the road, and in the distance, there were some mountains and even a small river from time to time.

Welcome to Sierra de la Ventana!

However, our campsite was not as impressive... Full, cramped, dark!
But that didn't matter. Fatigue knew no bounds, so any campsite was fine 😥

The next morning showed:
All good! It was just the lack of sleep.

In good spirits, we found out about wild camping, attractions, and other campsites at the local tourist information center.

Unfortunately, our illusions were shattered... Wild camping was impossible in this area.
Everything around the town was privately owned and mostly fenced off, making it inaccessible.

As for the attractions, it was similar.
Hardly anything was owned by the state.
Some owners of the respective properties offered tours, but at exorbitant prices, with 1 or 2 exceptions.

Slightly disappointed and even a little angry that everything here was privately owned, we started our journey back home.

But what helps against a little gloominess?

Good food!
So, let's get cooking!

However, the evening was not over yet.
We were lucky because today there was a Feria Americana and carnival.

What perfect timing!
After devouring dinner, consisting of pasta and ready-made sauce, we set off.

To my great disappointment (embarrassment, too), because it was my idea, the Feria turned out to be a market with 3 clothing racks...

Well... you can't always win...

The carnival, on the other hand, was nowhere to be found. Not even at the specified location 😑
After several attempts asking for directions, all contradicting each other strangely, we finally found the carnival.

But somehow, the reality was different from the expectations.
A mini wooden stage, with a dressed-up woman and a dressed-up man, performing for about 20 people, if even that many.

Somehow, the three of us couldn't help but burst out laughing at the same time.
We left the 'carnival' with laughter.

On the way back, we passed by a wonderful store.
It looked like a deli, but we were only interested in the cheese and salami.

How long had it been since we had something like that?
Yes, I know I've only been away for a month...

In conversation with the young salesman, we not only got a few samples but also a valuable piece of information.
There was a campsite nearby that was cheaper than our current one.

Can you guess what happened the next day?

I got sick. (Fever, stomachache, body aches, and headaches)
Aah, that came as a surprise, didn't it?

Of course, we moved. The short distance was manageable.
Exhausted and completely drained, I slept in the tent and under the tarp for the next few days.

The only exception was a visit to a small doctor's office with a very relaxed and funny doctor.

It hurt to laugh, but the doctor didn't give me a choice 😅😂


Mɔzɔzɔ ŋuti nyatakakawo Argentina