
Hello dear ones, yesterday I had the great opportunity to visit Dubai for a few hours on my journey. It is really an impressive city. Unfortunately, I didn't see much because, as I said, I only had a few hours. So I only made it to the Dubai Mall and on a hop-on-hop-off bus.

A nice taxi driver first took me to the famous 7-star hotel and also took a photo of me in front of it. Then she took me to the Dubai Mall, from where the sightseeing buses also depart.

The Dubai Mall reminded me a bit of a German shopping center or the KaDeWe, just a bit bigger. Here you can also fit an ice rink and a few waterfalls.

There were long queues in front of the Apple Store, of course, because of the new iPhone.

Unfortunately, I had a very negative emotional moment in the Dubai Mall, which brought me down a bit. It was when I discovered the aquarium in the mall. At the entrance of the aquarium, there was a large tank in which sharks, rays, and fish were swimming. As soon as I approached it, I could see that the tank was actually too small for these animals. Most of the fish were swimming the same round over and over again. I don't know if it was just my imagination, but I could especially see in the shark fish that they were unhappy. I have seen part of these fish in their natural environment in the past few weeks, where they have an entire ocean for themselves. In comparison, no aquarium in the world can probably be big enough. I was really standing in front of this aquarium with tears in my eyes and wondering how we humans could be so cruel to our fellow living beings on this planet. I really don't recommend anyone to spend money on this and support it. It took a while for me to get over the sight and continue my sightseeing tour.

The skyscrapers of Dubai are really impressive. Personally, I like that. The city continues to grow. There are constantly construction sites and cranes everywhere. And every building is supposed to be even better than the old ones. And all of this in the middle of the desert. By the way, it was about 40 degrees Celsius when I did the bus tour. Fortunately, there was air conditioning on the bus. But to get the nicer photos, I had to go to the upper deck without air conditioning.

As a vegan, I had a bit of a hard time finding something edible for me. Well, I hadn't really explored where there might be options. But in the shops of the mall that I passed by and checked, there was unfortunately nothing for me. In the end, it was fruit with a soy cappuccino from Starbucks.

That's it for my experiences in Dubai.

See you soon.

Your Alex


Arab Emirates ƒe Dukɔ Ƒoƒuawo
Mɔzɔzɔ ŋuti nyatakakawo Arab Emirates ƒe Dukɔ Ƒoƒuawo