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Let's go to China

First impressions

Day 117 to 120 Project Lights in the Darkness

The book for the Project Lights in the Darkness is finished

Day 111 Big Buddha

A gigantic Buddha figure in a beautiful landscape

Day 109 Abstecher nach Hong Kong

Zwischen grünen Parks und riesigen Hochhäusern

Day 93 The Forbidden City

Simply too many people

Day 92 The great Wall

An incredibly impressive structure

Day 89 Sightseeing Part 2

More impressions of Chinese history

Lost in Amsterdam?

Current status of my (rather unplanned) travel planning - UPDATE 19.07. (06:42)!!

Arrived in a new environment on Day 88

A bike tour through Beijing. Between crowded streets and crowds at the sights

3rd stop - Beijing

Beijing - Great Wall of China, Forbidden City

China in 72 hours

What a gigantic structure!...the Great Wall of China

March and April

The past two months in brief