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Machu Picchu

Our trip to Machu Picchu was a beautiful journey. We woke up very early in the morning, so we were a...

Off to Peru!!

From Lake Titicaca, we took a bus for about 12 hours across the border to Peru. Our destination was ...

Tag 40-42 - Puno

April 8-10, 2018 In Puno on Lake Titicaca

Day 34 - 39 / Arequipa

Monday, 02.04.2018 - 07.04.2018

Day 32 - Rainbow Mountains

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Day 28 - 30 / Machu Picchu

March 27 - 29, 2018 / Machu Picchu

Day 21-24 / Cusco

March 20-23, 2018 - Cusco and Inca Ruins

Day 19-20 / Nazca

March 18-19, 2018

Day 15 - A few days in Lima

Wednesday, March 14, 2018 - Lima Brief summary of the last few days:

Day 13 - Trujillo and Moon Temple

Monday the 12th of March 2018 / Trujillo

La laguna Humantay - Hiking tour on the last day

To conclude my Andes tour, I engaged in some physical activity and climbed a mountain. The goal: Th...

La ciudad blanca - Day 1 in Arequipa

Our tour started in Arequipa, after nearly 18 hours of exhausting bus ride! Arequipa is a very small...

Limpieza de playas - Everywhere plastic!

Summer has arrived in Lima, it's hot and everyone wants to go to the beach. Especially on the weeken...

Hello, hello, hello, bula, ni hao ...

Nice that you are visiting our blog, tomorrow our journey around the world starts and we can't wait.

Mis últimos participantes - 120 participants and a completed survey

I went to San Juan de Miraflores for the last time to find my last 20 survey participants. Now I am ...

Mancora and Trujillo

Raclette on the beach, mhhhhh

Recordings of the NGO - A video about the environment

In the past few weeks, we at ONG Las Semillas de Santa Teresa have been busy with something very spe...

Una pequeña encuesta sobre el medioambiente - Endlich gehen die Befragungen los!

Vor einigen Wochen war ich bereits mit Fragebögen, Kugelschreibern und Süßigkeiten für meine Versuch...


Sand, sand and more sand... EVERYWHERE!!!


Der Hauptgrund, nach Peru zu fahren. Ein 4-tägiger Hiking-Trip zum Machu Picchu