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When shit hits the fan

Vor mir der Highway, der sich bis zum Horizont in einer Linie erstreckt und dort mit dem Himmel zu t...

Taronga Zoo

A day at Sydney's Zoo

Chrissie in Australia

Our Christmas Day

Typically German and typically Australian - the days before Christmas

Baking cookies, swimming at the beach, and Christmas parties

Sydney Sightseeing Day 1

Finally going to the city!

Our first days in Sydney

The adventure with the host family begins!

The Central Coast

A few days in different places on the Central Coast of NSW

Half heart in Sydney, the other half is still in Bali

Today, I'm writing from a different continent, AUSTRALIA. I'll be spending the next three weeks here...

Finally dolphins!!!

A great day on the east coast of Australia

Great Ocean Road-Melbourne

About the Great Ocean Road to Melbourne

Adelaide city life

1 week in Adelaide