Enough for now...

प्रकाशित कीता: 08.10.2017

It's about time for me to move on... I really like Chiang Mai, but I feel like the tranquility and relaxed atmosphere here is also dampening my drive to keep moving.

Now that the rainy season is coming to an end and the weather is getting better, I actually want to head towards the beaches!

Yesterday, I went to the football game of Chiang Mai FC with a few guys from my hostel (Skandi and Jeeyun). We won 3-0 and the atmosphere was amazing. Alcohol is prohibited, but there was plenty of food available!

I also met some other people, including Nat, a Thai who was also on a weekend trip to Chiang Mai. I heard their interesting stories and got some tips for further travels.

Meanwhile, I've been able to improve my photography skills as there's always something interesting happening around me!🤓

Today, I visited Wat Phra That Soi Sutheo, which I would say is the main attraction in Chiang Mai... It was full of tourists, many Chinese, some Europeans, and Americans...

The temple is located on a hill, so there were also great views of Chiang Mai from there.

After that, I went to the Walking Market, a weekend market in the city center that stretches across almost all the streets in the center... There was all kinds of stuff and, of course, a lot of food. I often don't know exactly what I'm eating, but it's delicious! They just know how to cook...🤤

When I sat at the table with all the Thais eating, they only gave me chopsticks and a small spoon. But thanks to the old "LonMen" school, I was able to use chopsticks skillfully, and nobody looked at me weird😎🍜


To make some progress, I've decided to leave Chiang Mai tomorrow. However, I've been recommended the town of Pai multiple times, which is not really on my route but not too far from Chiang Mai either, so I will visit Pai before heading to Laos!

Now I just need to quickly look for accommodation, get some sleep, and tomorrow it's off to Pai! 🚐💨💨💨



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