Nye og fremhævede rejseblogs Würzburg


Würzburg - before and after a customer appointment 😊😎

WÜRZBURG (3) - The traveler's epilogue at the end of the 7th station

The wonderful summer weather appears magnificent to the traveler strolling through the city and taki...

WÜRZBURG (2) - The church buildings as the theme of the 7th station

Corresponding to the symbol of Germany's largest rectory created in the previous post about Würzburg...

WÜRZBURG (1) - En filosofisk gåtur inspireret af kærlighed som en prolog til den 7. station

Denne gang vil jeg gerne føre mine kære læsere gennem den største præstegård i Tyskland, gennem Würz...

Evening serenade

Sitting at a festive table

Attention! Attention! We are calling 'Syndicate'

Mozart, please stop hurting the Blue Tit anymore!