
Hong Kong Park & CNY Parade

Udgivet: 30.01.2017

Saturday then officially started the Chinese New Year. Since the parade didn't start until the evening, we went out at noon and visited Hong Kong Park beforehand. It was absolutely beautiful, and there was even a greenhouse with cacti and tropical plants. However, when we came out, the weather had changed and it started pouring rain. When it let up a bit, we finally headed to Kowloon to secure a front row spot for the parade and ended up waiting for three whole hours. -.- But it was worth it, and it was an amazing show. The only thing that really annoyed me was that a mini grandma (see photo) squeezed herself in next to us and the people behind me were pressing against me trying to grab everything that came our way, and I got hit in the head with the Indian guy's selfie stick 20 times. Well, after giving them a few death stares, things started to calm down. ;)


Rejserapporter Kina