
27th stage 'Samarkand, Uzbekistan'

Udgivet: 10.07.2024

This morning we took the express train to Samarkand. The journey took about 2.5 hours and was very pleasant. There was even a small snack on the way, similar to what you get on a flight. After arriving, we took a taxi to the really nice accommodation. It is run by two sisters, one of whom speaks very good German. There is also a couple from Stuttgart and a man from Vienna staying at the accommodation. In the afternoon we had a very informative tour of the Registan. On the way back to the hotel we made a detour to the Amir Temur Mausoleum. We then had a really delicious and very extensive dinner in the hotel.

07/10/2024: After a (too) sumptuous breakfast, we headed to the Bibi-Khanym Mosque. The mosque impresses with its enormous gate, even though it has not been restored to its full size. After visiting the mosque, we strolled through the Siyob Bazaar, where we were impressed by the enormous range of fruits, spices and other foods. After a short break in a restaurant, we walked to a site where there are a whole series of old mausoleums, some of which are really impressive. Last but not least, we paid a visit to the local wine museum (Khovrenko). However, the tour including wine tasting was quite a disappointment. We later had the impression that some employees had taken an unofficial tour with us on their own account. The wine tasted good, at least a little.

07/11/2024: Today was dedicated to visiting various sights. We even managed to get going fairly early. However, the temperatures later rose to 40 degrees, so we spent the afternoon in the hotel. That suited me, as I had caught a nasty cold from the air conditioning in our hotels and didn't have any nasal spray with me. In the evening we went to the Registan again, which was beautifully lit up. The day ended with a visit to a restaurant, with a cold beer and a glass of red wine.


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