
From Strandby to Kristiansand/Norway

Cyhoeddwyd: 31.07.2020

Tuesday, 21.07. to Thursday, 30.07.2020:

The days pass by, the weather is mostly unpleasantly rainy and only an average of 15 degrees. I had imagined the summer differently.

On Monday, Diego, Nahuel and I went on a bike tour to Hirtshals. The sun is shining again, and we have to take advantage of it. After 90 km in the evening, we are pretty exhausted...but happy.

On Saturday, despite continuous rain, I drive to Hirtshals again to scout out my overnight spot for Wednesday. I have booked the ferry for Thursday, 30.07. and want to spend another night in a shelter... in the great outdoors, in the direction of the port from which I will go to Norway.

I find a very beautiful spot with some shelters not far from the beach. To my great surprise, I meet two young ladies from Germany, from Bremen, who have been on a bike tour for two years. What a coincidence!😀 Curiously, I listen to their travel stories. They cycled from Bremen to Athens in three months. They earned my great respect👌 Then they flew to New Zealand. They say it's no problem to take a bike on some airlines. They stayed in New Zealand for a year. Then they apparently went to Vietnam and Thailand. They have now come from Sweden. And they are also not motorized and traveling with a tent. I am delighted to chat with them.

On Wednesday, I leave Caja's house. Almost everyone has already moved on, only Sako, the Japanese girl, and Jonny, the Argentine, are still here. It was a very nice time here, but I am already looking forward to new adventures.

Reloaded the luggage trolley, I start towards Hirtshals in the afternoon. After a short shopping trip through my favorite supermarket 'Rima 1000', I have replenished my supplies and continue towards the shelter by the sea. Once again, I have a whole cabin to myself. The wind is getting stronger, but it's very cozy in the hut. How will the first night be outside in nature again? I hope I am a little more hardened. The night is a bit chilly, but the hot coffee prepared on my little camping stove tastes all the better. ☕😋

Thursday, I continue to Hirtshals. It takes me forever to get to the port. I ride from the east of the island to the west. The wind comes from the west, so sometimes I feel like I'm standing still with the bike. Sweaty and completely exhausted, I finally arrive at the port. The cars are all still in the waiting lines before check-in to Kristiansand. One ferry has been canceled and the ferry at 5 p.m. is now scheduled to depart at 10 p.m. I struggle against the wind to a building located far away, the terminal of Fjord Line. It's still four hours until check-in😯 At 8 p.m., I am once again in front of the check-in with my bike, letting the wind blow around my nose for another hour and a half until the gates finally open. My mood is already pretty much at rock bottom, especially because I'm really cold. I also meet a young Frenchman who wants to board the ship with his bike and a Norwegian couple traveling by motorcycles. At least I have nice conversations.

The boat trip now becomes a huge challenge. The waves are three meters high, as the captain says, and we are supposed to sit down when leaving the harbor!!! And then this boat moves towards the open sea. A rough landing on the water, a scream... and airsickness bags are distributed, which have a huge demand after a short time. I fetch some supplies for the couple sitting opposite me. Unfortunately, the young man cannot tolerate the ordeal. Before his circulation gives out, his girlfriend and I lay him down on the floor between the chairs. After a short time, a large group of helpful people gather around the young man and take care of him.

According to the captain, instead of 2 1/4 hours, we will take 4 hours today and will only arrive in Kristiansand at 1:45 a.m. Great. Where will I find something to stay in the middle of the night?🙉

Finally arrived in Norway😀😃😃

I meet the young Frenchman again and we decide to ride together for a while towards the east. His hotel is about 10 km away. We get lost occasionally with the traffic guidance of the bike paths here in Kristiansand. After an hour, I say goodbye to the young man because I want to find a place for my tent now. Near a sailing boat harbor, I find a reasonably suitable spot. I can't wait to crawl into my sleeping bag and finally close my eyes. It's now 4:30 a.m., and the sun is almost rising. It's time to go to bed.🙃


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