
Strandby, Denmark

Cyhoeddwyd: 15.07.2020

Friday, July 10th to Wednesday, July 15th, 2020

After a relaxed breakfast in the garden, it's time to get back to work. Today, we're painting a part under the roof of the main house, while the other team applies red paint to the summer house. The morning passes quickly, followed by a delicious lunch. The afternoon is for relaxation... truly living the good life 😅😎

The weekend is free. We're planning a barbecue party for the evening. Our two Japanese girls are preparing a typical Japanese dish, while the other girls showcase their Argentine cooking skills. We set up a large grill and cook all sorts of delicious food on it. We have fun by the fire late into the night.

It's Sunday morning. Misaki, one of the two Japanese girls, and I spontaneously decide to bike to Skagen. It's 33 km from here. We make a detour to Rabjerg Mile, the largest dune in Denmark with an area of two square meters.

We follow a narrow sandy path. We leave our shoes under a tree on the side of the path and feel like little kids conquering the desert. We climb the hills and slide down the soft, fine white sand. Then we've had enough and decide to continue to Skagen. Oh my god 🙈 Where did we come from again? 😳 Everything looks the same. After some time, we finally find the exit and our shoes 😅😇

A beautiful natural event awaits us. A little north of the town of Skagen, in Grenen, the two seas Skagerrak and Kattegat (North Sea and Baltic Sea) meet. It's definitely worth seeing.

The return trip is going to be a bit challenging. We have headwinds almost the entire way. It's quite demanding. So we're even happier to finally be 'home' in the evening.

The days go by, I hardly notice. I finally visit the beach, which is four kilometers away. I'm amazed once again as a paradise opens up. More white sandy beach...and the vast sea. This is the life 😇🙏😎

Ateb (4)

Immer wieder sehr schön zu lesen wie Du Deine Zeit genießt 🤗 lass es Sir so richtig gut gehen liebe Ludmilla Helga 💫☀️💫

Die letzten Tage habe ich richtig sehnsüchtig auf eine Fortsetzung gewartet 😊 es ist schön von dir zu lesen. Was hat es denn mit den Katzen auf sich? Wann geht es nach Norwegen, habe gelesen man darf jetzt einreisen Alles Liebe und weiterhin eine schön Zeit

Liebe Ludmilla... es ist so toll deine Beiträge zu lesen... wie geht's weiter... kommst du nach Norwegen?

Ich danke Euch für die lieben 3!.07.werde ich nach Kristiansand übersetzen.Seit dem 15.07. Sind die Grenzen jetzt offen. Caja hat die Katzen mitgebracht...Das ist jetzt ihr neues zu Hause.ein Paradies😀

Adroddiadau teithio Denmarc