
The largest enclosed castle area in the world // Session 21

Cyhoeddwyd: 11.09.2018

The train journey went smoothly here as well and went quickly as it was only 4 hours long. Upon arriving in Prague, I went to the hostel and then had something to eat and went to sleep.

The hostel was okay. Relatively centrally located, clean, and cheap. I had an 8-bed room, but except for the last day, it was only occupied by 3 people.

In Prague, I noticed again how tired my body is, so I took it easy. At the time of writing, though, I somehow feel more energetic.

Prague has some really beautiful buildings to offer. It rained a little on the first day, but that was irrelevant as it was only a short shower.

Unfortunately, the famous clock was more or less covered and couldn't be seen well. Otherwise, I liked Prague Castle with the church the most. But the Charles Bridge was cool too.

On the last evening, I arranged to meet up with a future policeman (he was also 19) via yodel and we had another beer in a bar in the city. In doing so, we unnecessarily joined the ongoing pub crawl, which we left prematurely because it was stupid. Wasted money here too, but there are worse things.

Prague is really relatively cheap. However, what I always found astonishing was that water costs the same as beer in a restaurant...😅 Also, you could tell that it is gradually going into the off-season, fewer people. But surprisingly many Germans.

However, I once again had a situation where I wasted some money. There was a stand on a famous square where a pig was roasted over the grill. It looked so delicious that I absolutely wanted some of it, so I got myself some.

The whole thing. So just some pork and caraway bread (bahhh caraway) cost me 20€, which is a lot for Prague standards, and unfortunately, it wasn't as good as it looked. But my stomach got filled so it doesn't matter.

The journey is slowly coming to an end. But now Scandinavia is up next!


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