
The East of Bali

Publikováno: 07.10.2023

On September 23rd We went from the north of Sri further east to Amed. Budi was so kind and took over our transfer. Our trip was supposed to take about 2 hours, but Budi kindly included two really interesting stops.

The first stop was the Pura Beji Sangsit. A really beautiful Hindu temple located right on the water.

In this beautiful temple we were given a short tour by a nice priest and were even blessed.

Afterwards we stopped at a traditional weaving factory and saw how the typical sarongs are made by hand.

In Amed we unwinded a bit on the coast. There are many pebble beaches here and the Great One built impressive stone castles.😍

And... the big one built a family temple.❤️ Because on our last day in Sudaji with Sri, she showed us her family temple (Pura Dadya) and how she remembers her late husband every day. A photo surrounded by flowers, incense and small offerings. The Balinese venerate the souls of their deceased, believing that they will not be lost/forgotten. It's not so much about worshiping a specific God at set times. Rather, the Balinese religion is a concept for correctly positioning oneself as a human being in the cosmic interaction. Life in Bali takes place in harmony with the cosmos, you strive to do the right thing at the right time and avoid doing the wrong thing if possible. The big guy was so impressed by what Sri said. And that was his family temple for grandma Irene:🥹

Otherwise, we were impressed by the Green Leaf Café and the Blue Earth Restaurant in Amed. Two wonderfully relaxed places with incredibly delicious food and magnificent views.

Then we went to Candidasa. Here we made a 4-star bargain on booking.de and enjoyed some luxury.😁 The big one dared to swim freely in the large pool and the little one applauded enthusiastically.🎉😂 We just didn't want to keep our small/large pet. Luckily a cereal bowl fit over it and the nice gentleman from roomkeeping took care of it.🥴🫣

On October 4th we then continued to Sanur. Our last days in Bali before heading to Malaysia.

