
The last day before departure...

Publicatu: 08.09.2017

...and we are comfortably lying in our bed at Stefanie's parents' house, enjoying the remaining time we have. Yesterday evening there was one last feast with rustic Austrian cuisine. A final culinary delight, so to speak, before we embark on new, uncertain taste worlds.

Martina's cooking skills *****

For those of you who read our blog, hello. It's nice that you are accompanying us on our journey. We will regularly bombard you with photos and stories so you know what's happening at the other end of the world. We would be happy if you could leave a few words from time to time.

If you would like a postcard, a small souvenir, or a photo of something specific from the stops on our world trip, let us know and we will try to fulfill it as best as possible if time, location, and circumstances allow.

Once again, for those who don't know:

Whatsapp: 0043 677 61234699
imo: 0043 664 75032529
Skype: herbertpuchegger_privat
Email: luger.stefanie@gmx.net

Tomorrow at 18:20 our plane will take off from Vienna towards Bali. Stopover in Doha and arrival around 18:00 in Bali/Depansar. Which basically means a full day on the plane... :D Herbert is already looking forward to it... Steffi says, 'bllllll :P' (while sticking out her tongue). 'One last leg, then we've made it,' she says sleepily and turns around in bed.

So mixed feelings :). But we're already looking forward to our honeymoon and will send you new photos from Bali soon.

Rispondi (6)

Der Bauernschmaus wird euch aufgrund seiner Deftigkeit wohl bis Bali im Magen liegen. Vermeidet bitte jegliches Aufstoßen im Flugzeug. 😂 ... Gute Reide und bis bali, ähm bald, Martin&Markus

TestTest123 *chchhh* testtest! super cool, ein ganzer Tag im Flugzeug! ich wünsche euch unkomplizierte Sitznachbarn😀😀 bis bald! Barbara

Hallo, das ist ein Test

Der Braten sieht lecker aus! Wir freuen uns virtuell dabei zu sein. Gregor ist getauft & sendet euch liebe Grüße. Wir hüpfen jetzt ins Bett.

Haha :D Perfekt. Dann können die Erlebnisse ja jetzt losgehen.

Konnte mich jetzt endlich anmelden.Hallo Ich hoffe es geht euch gut. lg