Publicatu: 08.09.2018
I had the most relaxed week of school in my life.
First day of school: Introduce myself in class, go outside, sing the national anthem, take photos, go (1h)
Second day of school: Go to the park with the class and play games (best day btw, 2h)
Third day: Go hiking, make a fire and grill in between (3h)
Fourth day: Write a poem about the school as a class, record it while everyone stands in a circle and says a verse (not only seemed staged, it actually was), followed by a speech from the principal (3h)
Fifth day: First time "class", which consisted of the teachers speaking for about 15 minutes each about their plans for the school year, in English we only wrote a test that was only intended to find out which level we are at (3h)
By the way, you can sleep in before school here