
Mindo, a bird paradise

Publicatu: 30.06.2018

Ecuador is the most biodiverse country in the world. The UN designates 4 protected areas here, while Ecuador itself has 5 more. Mindo is located in the cloud forest and is known for its abundance of birds. There are over 200 bird species (and many subspecies) living here. Even for non-ornithologists, it is very exciting to "hunt" for interesting subjects. However, without a guide, you have little to no chance of seeing anything.

Mindo is a small, peaceful village, approximately 100km (3 hours by car) from Quito. In addition to animal watching, there are waterfalls, hiking trails, rafting, horseback riding, and much more.

On our first day, we hiked to the waterfalls. You can swim in the river - if it's not too cold for you (Oliver was brave, I was sensible *g*). Here, we learned about the German team being eliminated from the competition and were comforted by the local visitors.

The next morning, we got up at 6am for bird watching. It's incredible how the guide finds the birds: he hears a noise and can determine the direction and the bird - amazing. And while we saw a young leaf on the ground, he saw a poisonous caterpillar in it (which is why you should never wear sandals).

To get to know the entire spectrum of animal species, we set out on a night hike (with a guide) at nightfall. Despite the full moon, it was so dark that we could only find the narrow and steep path with our headlamp.

After a total of 2 very exhausting days (= 2x 7 hours of hiking and evening salsa dancing in the village pub with the local youth), we still have slight muscle soreness.

Today, we are heading to the Andean region of Cotopaxi and will then follow the volcano road southward.

Rispondi (4)

Hallo Ihr Lieben , tolle Tierwelt. Wenn Ihr eine Cora seht, bringt sie mir bitte mit. Viel Spass bei der Vulkanwanderung und abendlichen Salsatanzen. Heute kommen Janina u. Baris aus Seefeld zurück u. machen hier stopp zum Kaffee bzw. Tee trinken. Bis bald grüssen Euch ganz lieb Mama u. Papa Ulla u. Gregor

Eine Cora gibt es hier nicht - die gab es aber im Vogelpark nahe der Iguazu Wasserfälle. Grüßt die beiden ganz lieb und drückt sie für mich. Ganz liebe Grüße mit großem Muskelkater in den Beinen aus Banos Petra

Oh mein Gott!! Was für eine riesige Spinne!! War die giftig? Hattet ihr keine Angst da nachts lang zu gehen?

Die Tiere sehen toll aus! Das muss sehr spannend gewesen sein. :)