Publicatu: 23.12.2017
We both finished our last working days, said goodbye to colleagues, brought the DUBS on board, booked a hotel in Montevideo, and paid many bills. On the last day, we had to call the ADAC to free Barbara's car from the town hall underground garage, and we already practiced with Christa's car on how to free a stuck vehicle from a mud hole - and now we are wondering if Uli and Wolfgang would also travel to Patagonia to help us?????
But now it's time to say goodbye to dear friends and neighbors. So many have been rooting for us, following our plans, encouraging and supporting us. We wanted to thank them with a small garden party ... and the weather goddess was on our side - for the first time in days, the drizzle stopped and thanks to winemaker mulled wine and Schäufele from Sibylle's Baden homeland, many dear guests, and the Christmas lights in the surrounding gardens, we had a really nice farewell party!