
Beautiful Lisbon - November 24th

Publicatu: 29.11.2019

The morning is cloudy, but at least it's dry. We take the day slowly, we have plenty of time! After breakfast, we pack everything up and the bus could really use a vacuum cleaner! Since Lisbon is only 90 km away, we decide to drive calmly along the country and coastal road.

On the way, we discover a Chinese store. There are quite a few of them here, and you can buy all sorts of stuff for a cheap price. A tip from our Swiss friends! Now we also want to see the inside of such a place. So we go and find ourselves in China-Max, which is open from morning till evening every day! The range of goods feels like a billion products...you don't know where to look. And of course, we buy something too...Scammers, Hustlers, China-Max! Next time we'll buy some fancy Christmas decorations for the bus!

Out of China-Max, into the rain...what's going on now! The revenge of China-Max for buying useless stuff again!

It remains slightly rainy, but we enjoy the journey through beautiful eucalyptus forests and small villages. We want to make a quick stop at Cabo da Roca on the way and see the 140m deep cliffs. However, it suddenly becomes hazier and foggy...not the best conditions for the high-lying viewpoint. We can't see anything...except fog...you can barely make out the cliff with a lot of imagination. But we see a lot of Asians taking beautiful selfies with a foggy background!

Actually, such a photo is practical, can be used universally...here I was at the Eiffel Tower, here at Big Ben, etc!

After 10 minutes, we're back in the bus and laughing about the situation...! Next to us is a minibus with a tour guide who tells the tourists about the fantastic view in English...the tourists are also laughing! With sunshine, anyone can do it...we do it in the fog, if so, then all in!

Let's go on! It's slowly starting to get dark and it's drizzling heavily! When we drive into Lisbon, we don't really see much, but we realize once again that the Portuguese seem to skip driving school, because they can't really drive! Beware...always looki-looki is required here, otherwise you'll get a dent!

But we reach the square in the city unharmed. It's busy here again, but it's not crowded at all! We have the choice between a paved surface or a spot on the grass between the trees...on a slope! We naturally choose the cheaper option and find a relatively flat spot right in the middle of the trees! Old and thick trees...low risk of tipping over...we pay attention to that now!

Since it started raining again, we immediately use the rain cover! We have the leftovers from the previous day and fry two eggs before going to bed early!

The night is deafeningly loud! It's raining heavily and the clapping of the large drops from the trees, along with the small branches, is thundering on the roof. Then silence again, then loud dripping, like from a leaking faucet...in the meantime, we are awake for two hours...great!

Fortunately, the morning is sunny, as announced. Everything outside is wet and muddy...good thing we saved 1.80€ and didn't choose the paved surface, smart!

We get ready early and take the bus, as usual, for 2€ to the city. This time there are only 35 stops for 6.5 km!

We stroll through the city and enjoy a delicious croissant and a fine latte at the Elevador! Then we walk through big and small streets, cross beautiful squares, visit another church from the inside, watch street performers, eat on the rooftops of Lisbon and enjoy a beer on the sun terrace with a view over the city, wonderful, wonderful!

Before we take the bus back, we call our nephew Levi and sing him a birthday song in the Portuguese evening sun!

A beautiful day in a truly beautiful city!

PS: Only asked three times if we want to buy drugs here...apparently not much has been washed ashore in Lisbon!

Rispondi (2)

Der Kopfgärtner hat aber ganz schön gesäbelt. Euch geht es richtig gut. Langsam könnte es nur aufhören zu regnen.

Super Bock😆

Rapporti di viaghju Portugallu