
Picturesque Porto - November 14th

Publicatu: 19.11.2019

Nightly sounds...the rain pounding on the roof and the wind whistling wake us up intermittently. While Jörni tries to make coffee outside, I prepare some sandwiches in the bus. So no cozy breakfast outside the bus, but rather pragmatic and quick inside the bus.

We pack everything up and take the country road to Porto. By noon, we reach a spot about 7 km outside of Porto in Vila Nova de Gaia. A huge place...and no one around! The season is really over! We park the bus in the middle of a pine forest and wait inside the bus until the rain stops. Then we go on our way with the dog, and we haven't even walked 300 m when we almost have a heart attack. We walk past residential houses on the sidewalk and suddenly a German Shepherd dog barks loudly almost over the gate. It is hanging halfway on one side and the other half on the other side. I look right into the dog's mouth and without really thinking or checking the traffic, I jump onto the street with Otto and make sure to gain ground. Fortunately, the crazy dog doesn't jump over the gate and stays on his property...oh my, we were scared...!

For us, it's clear that we definitely need to take a different way back. I have a German Shepherd barrier...!

We walk along the promenade for a while, and at times, we can hardly move forward due to strong gusts of wind. Then we do some shopping and take a detour back to the spot...it shouldn't be too long, but some exercise won't hurt and better safe than sorry!

When we come back, we realize that the strong gusts of wind were also blowing through the pine forest. The not-so-small pine tree across from the bus couldn't stay upright and fell over, but luckily it landed about 1.5 m away from the bus and not on top of it...! Luckily, as we could have parked anywhere...for example, 1.5 m further to the left...! The caretakers of the spot have cordoned off everything with caution tape, and we simply moved the bus...under a big Eucalyptus tree...it's standing strong! By 5:30 pm, it's already dark, as we're an hour behind with the time here. We have dinner and freeze our butts off, as it's been almost nowhere as cold as in Porto! Clear sky full of stars and lots of breath...! The only solution is to go to bed early and sleep!

Fortunately, the next day is surprisingly sunny, which is great for a trip to the old town of Porto!

The sun is indeed shining the next day, but it's quite chilly, around 9 degrees. We have a relaxed breakfast in front of the bus, sip our coffee, and leave for the bus stop around 11 am. Luckily, it's right at the campsite, and the ride only costs 2 euros per person, as it's not far at all, just about 7 km! When we look at the bus schedule, we realize that there are a whopping 54 bus stops!!! Apparently, the Portuguese are not fond of walking, as the bus stops are only about 150 m apart. We have a truly spectacular ride, at times driving through such narrow streets that there's barely enough room for the bus and the wall! A bus wouldn't be able to drive here in our hometown...! And all of this, of course, at a decent speed...they can drive buses here!

After about forty-five minutes, we reach the old town. Porto is a truly great city, very old and vibrant. We wander through small alleys, cross large squares, and are asked about six times if we want to buy drugs...no thanks, not today! Later on, it got a bit annoying...! They seem to have found the right stuff at the beach...!

After a while, we enjoy a coffee in the sun before continuing our journey through the city. Here in Porto, there's one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world, the Livraria Lello. For some time now, there's even an entrance fee of 5 euros because of the huge number of visitors. In the summer, people line up here for a long time to get in. We also want to see it and pay the entrance fee. We don't have to wait for 5 minutes, and then we're inside. It's definitely the most beautiful bookstore I've ever seen. Unfortunately, they're currently displaying some Pinocchio Christmas edition, and the stupid Pinocchio legs are hanging right in the way in the photos...! I think the entrance fee should have been only 2.50 euros...damn!

We buy two books, at least the entrance fee is deducted, and I think I'll do some renovations at Kape in Langenberg and attract visitors from all over the world. In the summer, about 5000 people per day visit Livraria Lello...at 5 euros entrance fee...and every idiot buys a book because the entrance fee is deducted...that's a good daily turnover, I must say...!

We frequently encounter young people in the city who wear black coats and look like they're from the Harry Potter fan club! But they're students, and in Portugal, these outfits have a long tradition. Here, a kind of school uniform, or rather university uniform, is worn. Black pants, white shirt, black tie, and black coat. If you look at Livraria Lello, the students, and the narrow streets here, you'll know where the author of Harry Potter got her inspirations from while she lived here in the early 90s! Actually, Harry Potter is Portuguese.

After leaving the beautiful little bookstore, we happen to discover a barbershop just around the corner. Jörni is in desperate need, in case he doesn't want to earn a few extra bucks as Santa Claus next month. In the shop, there's a little milk-faced boy sitting, and we initially suspect that he's a customer and the boss went to get some hairspray from next door. We go in and ask, and it turns out that he's the boss himself. Well...we had imagined someone with a proper beard and not someone who might not even have any facial hair yet, but he does a good job and has a very fancy shop! I didn't go to the hairdresser since we're wearing hats all the time anyway, which I'm actually tired of. Same jacket - same hat - no short pants...boring!

We stroll down to the harbor, decline a few more drug offers on the way, and treat ourselves to a delicious Caipi and a glass of Porto with a view over the Rio Douro, wonderful! In the early afternoon, we take the bus back and I have to concentrate to keep the Caipi inside, as the bus driver speeds up the hill and down again, and up and down. That was a proper fairground ride for a mere 2 euros!

Then it's almost dark again. Jörni takes the dog for another walk, as we had left him in the bus all day, and then it's almost bedtime, as it's freezing! It was truly a beautiful day, and Porto is definitely worth another visit. You can have a great city trip here, even if you need some drugs...!

Porto...it was wonderful!

Rispondi (2)

Ich hoffe der Friseur war diesmal preiswerter. Eine traumhaft schöne Stadt.

Hallo Ihr zwei ! Wir sind endlich mal dazu gekommen ein paar Reiseberichte "nachzuholen" ;-) Wirklich toll was Ihr seht und erlebt, bis auf _ _ _ _ _ den braucht ihr nicht ;-) Wir waren ja über Allerheiligen auch in Lissabon und es hat uns so gut gefallen, dass wir nächstes Jahr 2 Wochen in Portugal verbringen möchten ;-) Euer Reisebericht von Porto bestärkt uns in unserem Vorhaben ! Echt schön geschrieben, Jilli ! Wir wünschen Euch weiter eine tolle Zeit, wenig _ _ _ _ _, viele schöne Erlebnisse und Begegnungen mit netten Menschen ! Liebe Grüße aus der Heimat von Kerstin und Sasa

Rapporti di viaghju Portugallu