Michi's Ghanatrip
Michi's Ghanatrip

Second Free Medical Screening

Publicatu: 27.04.2018

Thanks to many donations, we were able to pay for medication, glucose strips, malaria rapid tests, and the location of the outreach. With 7 doctors, 8 medical students, and other helpers (especially those who speak the Twi language), it started around 1pm yesterday. Until 5pm, we saw many people who had similar illnesses as three weeks ago: diabetes, high blood pressure, and pain in the shoulders, back, and knees. This time, I was assigned to counseling: we distributed the medications prescribed by the doctors and advised the people about their illnesses and how they progress. We created lifestyle brochures (exercise, healthy eating, drink a lot) and educated about hypertension and diabetes (complications and how to prevent them). It was also important for us to educate people about the National Health Insurance. Many of the people have risk factors or are possibly already sick, but they don't have insurance and therefore never go to see a doctor. We tried to make it clear to them how important it is and that it only costs 20 Cedis (= 4€) per year.

It was also nice to see that some of the people who were at the outreach three weeks ago have really taken care of the insurance, went to the doctor, and are already feeling somewhat better! It showed me that what we are doing really makes a difference!

I worked with a Ghanaian who helped me with language problems (but he himself does not have a medical background). It was fun and the people were again very grateful and happy that we have organized everything.

We are now heading to Cape Coast for the long weekend. I probably won't have Wi-Fi there, so there will be a detailed report on Monday🤗 Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend; and Simon: happy birthday once again! It was nice to quickly talk to you this morning - but still sad that I couldn't tell you and hug you in person 😢 When you arrive in Ghana on Tuesday, we will celebrate it!🎉❤️

Rispondi (1)

Ich finde es sehr schön, dass die Hilfe dort ankommt, wo sie gebraucht wird Good job