
Day 4: from Dinant to Trelon

Publicatu: 02.09.2022

Les Voisines du Mr. Sax was our hotel - right in the center of Dinant and very convenient: bikes were stored downstairs in the living room, rooms upstairs.

Our accommodation in Dinant
The staircase, with the bikes in the living room behind

After yesterday's tour, we slept a little longer, attended the holy mass in Dinant (the priest could only speak French and not a word of English), had breakfast and off we go, initially along the Meuse river.

In the church of Dinant

Shortly before the French border, we turn right and ride on a railway line with long slopes for many, many kilometers until we reach Momignies. Along the way in Chimay, a bistro with many young guests and loud music: one meter of beer for €20...

On the Meuse river
In Mariembourg - how did the 52 get here?
Bistro in Chimay: €20 for one meter
They love it

The region here is mainly agricultural, and the areas between the larger cities seem to have little wealth - and it seems to have rained very little here as well.

Heading towards Momignies
This is what it looked like for many kilometers

We found our accommodation, slightly off the planned route in Trelon (France), where the Garmin settings led us to very difficult dirt roads. In Trelon, we then searched for our accommodation - by the way, you should carefully read all emails from airbnb.de ... But even so, the key hiding place wasn't easy to find. However, the 'chambre Inspiration aux voyages', roughly translated as 'room that inspires you to travel', compensated for it with plenty of space, tranquility, and comfort.

The house with the inspiring rooms
The key hiding place

In the restaurant 'Chez le Pere Ducoin' we were greeted by a friendly waitress who also spoke English. Nevertheless, there were communication problems, as 'rognon de veau' turned out to be veal kidney, an absolute specialty of the author ;-).


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