

1 Jahr Auszeit :-)

The story, 60 pierogies and 1000 mosquitoes

The story, 60 pierogies and 1000 mosquitoes

Our next stage took us from Austria to the Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, through German...

Lucky children

A break at home and a really nice road trip :-)

Feliz Navidad and 1000 nice people

December and January in Spain

Milan or Madrid, the main thing is Italy

The second part takes us from Lisbon to Madrid including a short detour to Isla Cristina

Hello Spain and Portugal

The first part of our trip through Spain and Portugal.

A victory lap in honor of your loved ones

Small tour through Belgium, the Netherlands, Bremen and Hamburg to Denmark

On the road again

We set off again and had an exciting August...

Zuhause, süßes Zuhause

From Trondheim to Austria

Everything fluffy

How a short detour turned into a fluffy experience....

The story of sitting and watching

Our journey continues north with wonderful places to sit and watch...

Entry with flags and a lot of hygge

Quick visit to Denmark and still in love :-)

Weihnachtssterne in May...

Wonderful Saxony :-)

And in the beginning there was a motorhome

Was it a difficult decision to buy a motorhome and travel through Europe? Probably not...