
But not just a little sting

Publicatu: 18.01.2018


The sting couldn't stop me at first, but overnight it became quite uncomfortable. The whole leg was very swollen, red, warm, and had some blisters. I first tried my luck with the park rangers. Apart from Dexa IV (we consider the side effects in awake patients), they couldn't help me further.

Therefore, in the afternoon, I had to go to the local emergency room. I'm very glad that it was primarily about a medication and I wasn't a real emergency - see pictures. It really can't be compared to our standards.

But I was helped quickly. The waiting time was also not comparable to Germany. I only had to wait 25 minutes for the doctor. Through remote diagnosis, he knew what I needed. I picked up my syringe from the nurse and went back to the hostel. The entire treatment was free. I only had to pay for the medications for home.

Here is the progress:

shortly after the sting
shortly after the sting
in the evening
in the evening
the morning after
the morning after
5 days after the doctor visit
3 days after the doctor visit
1 week after the sting
1 week after the sting

And it keeps getting better!

Rispondi (1)

Das sieht wirklich etwas unschön aus 🙊😉😘

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