Ja, Japan!
Ja, Japan!

10th Day in Hiroshima

Publicatu: 26.09.2019

Today we continued our journey with the Shinkansen to Hiroshima. We spent a lot of time in the Peace Park here. The museum is very poignant, as the images of the victims here are difficult to bear. Many visitors were in tears. In fact, one gets the feeling that the entire facility is intended to remind all people of the importance of peace, without condemning anyone or any other nation. Paper cranes have a special meaning here. There was a girl who became ill with leukemia many years after the atomic bombing and then died. She folded 1000 cranes within a short period of time, because it is said that if you fold 1000 cranes, a wish will come true. Unfortunately, it did not help her, but everyone here knows the girl and her story. After the impressions from the Peace Park, we satisfied our hunger with Okonomiyaki, a specialty from the region. It's a fried 'tower' made of rice pancakes, noodles (Soba/Udon), pork, a kind of omelette, and toppings of your choice. I can't describe it any better. It definitely tastes delicious and the wait of 30 minutes was definitely worth it. Tomorrow, Osaka!
