The way to the island of Karimunjawa was not easy. First, we took a small night bus from Yogya to Jepara, but we couldn't sleep because of the way it was driven. Incredibly, we arrived at the harbor around 3:30 in the morning without any accidents. The place was deserted, everything was dark. The few people who were also there at this early hour either couldn't speak English or didn't know how to proceed from here. There was no information about when and how to get tickets for the boat to the island. Boats only go to the island once a day, and sometimes not at all. Then we read somewhere that it was completely sold out, and the next one would only leave in 3 days. Great. So, there was no chance of sleeping until the ticket counter opened because we couldn't afford to miss our chance of getting on that stupid boat. Somehow, we managed to be the first "white" people to get a ticket among the crowd - we were really relieved. Exhausted but relieved.
Finally at the pier for the boat...
We already went snorkeling for a day. A German guy who lives here took us and two other girls on a boat for snorkeling. While putting on his water shoes, the German suddenly screamed and pulled out a !!!!scorpion!!!! around 7cm long from his shoe. He was stung multiple times, but besides the pain, he was fine.
With rougher waves, we went out to the small uninhabited islands early in the morning.
Wow, denke so stellt man sich das Paradies vor! Ist ja toll und offensichtlich abenteuerlich!😀Passt auf euch auf-und immer schön die Schuhe kontrollieren vor dem Anziehen!!!!😘❣️❤️
Ja ist echt ein kleines Paradies 😄 keine Sorge, der wohnt in den Bergen, wir am Wasser. Außerdem kann sich im flip-flop kein Skorpion verstecken, und das sind moment die einzigen Schuhe 😀