Ein Floh entdeckt die Welt II - Irland
Ein Floh entdeckt die Welt II - Irland

Ring of Beara

Publicatu: 19.08.2019

We started our day with a tour to Garnish Island on the recommendation of Beatrice. However, we didn't take the official ferry, but were brought to the island on a small private boat. It turned out to be a stroke of luck. Kevin took us as close as possible to the seals and even showed us the 2 sea eagles that have settled on the island. It was amazing! The island itself was a small green paradise.

Afterwards, we drove along the Ring of Beara and enjoyed the beautiful landscape. In Allihies, we at least put our feet in the Atlantic.

During dinner, we were given 2 scones (which are small typical Irish cakes) and then we went to the oldest pub in the village. Being typical Germans, we of course arrived perfectly on time and the landlady looked at us somewhat confused. The locals watched with fascination as we played 'Mensch ärgere dich nicht' (which is called Ludo in English), and when we suddenly heard a 'scheiße' (German for 'shit'), the ice was broken with the locals. Luckily, the way to the accommodation was only a few minutes long.

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