Davina DiscoversTheWorld
Davina DiscoversTheWorld

Now it really starts!

Publicatu: 26.09.2020

~ When you have difficult phases, always remember that challenges are not there to destroy you.

Every challenge is there to improve you, toughen you up and make you stronger. ~

Hey guys,

I finally arrived at my final host family!

On September 16, 2020, I received the news that there is a host family and a school for me. You can't imagine how happy I was about that. Sitting around and not knowing what comes next was really frustrating after a while.

On Friday of the same week, it was time to move to the new family. And on that day, I experienced every feeling at least once... In the morning, I was just excited the whole time. At some point, it was more anticipation of how the family and the area are - it should be noted that we did not receive much information beforehand. In the end, when it was time to say 'goodbye', I was just sad. I didn't want to go to another family. I had grown so fond of my support family and finally felt really comfortable there! Of course... I was looking forward to everything new and that my adventure can now really begin, but I still didn't want to leave.

Our Regional Manager drove us (my double placement Arlena and me) personally to the new family. The drive took about 3 hours. Finally, at around 6.30pm, we arrived. I really didn't want to expect anything from the house so that I wouldn't be disappointed; but I couldn't even be disappointed! The house is super modern and spacious and the family is nice too. The host family had never had exchange students before, so it's a completely new experience for them too.

When we arrived at the family, there were scones, butter, and jam on the table for the welcome. Melissa, our coordinator, stayed a bit longer.

Later, when Melissa was gone, Arlena and I set up our room - yes! My double placement and I share the room - and there was something warm for dinner.

The final family

The family lives near Athlone in County Westmeath. That is super central in Ireland and you can easily take a day trip to Dublin or Galway; which is really cool. The house is a bit outside a small village, not far from a beautiful lake. The family consists of my host mother, my host father, and my host sister who is 17 years old. She even goes to the same school as we do; although she is in 6th year and we are in 5th year (an extra post about the school here in Ireland is coming soon).

The first weekend

Saturday, we could sleep in. Around noon, we drove to Athlone by car. After all, Monday was our first day of school and we already needed the uniform (I will tell you all about what exactly belongs to my school uniform in the post about the school). When we had everything together, we went to a café and had a hot chocolate before driving back home.

On Sunday morning, I walked with my host parents to the small village where they live. There is not much there, but it's still really pretty! In any case, there is a gas station with a small shop that has everything essential. And we also passed a well-known pub. On the way to this shop, there is also something like a little art shop; I also want to go in there sometime :D At home, we had an 'Irish breakfast' around 1pm with fried eggs, sausages, white pudding, bacon, and toast. And of course, tea. I think I'm really becoming a tea drinker here ;D

That Sunday, the weather was really great - sun and warm! We had to take advantage of that: My host father drove Arlena and me -- and two kayaks ;) by car to the lake nearby. We were on the water for about two hours. That was really a lot of fun. And if it's as warm next year, our host father wants to take each of us further out on the water so we can see more.

September 21, 2020: My first day of school... and 1 month in Ireland!

I couldn't believe that I've only been in Ireland for one month. So much has happened in the 4 weeks and I've seen and experienced so much and met so many lovely people. It feels much longer. Despite a few difficult moments, the first month was super cool and I think it's great how everything turned out!

My 'First Month Anniversary' was also my first day of school. The evening before, I was soooo nervous and thought a lot about how the first day would be. In retrospect, it wasn't as bad as I thought and the day was actually really good. The girls in my class are super nice and I immediately met other exchange students as well. The teachers are also very helpful and genuinely interested. There is another German student at my school with whom I get along really well. More information will follow in the post about the school in Ireland, but it shouldn't take too long ;D


The first week of school is over and it's the weekend...

Saturday was a pretty relaxed day. I slept in, did homework, and called friends and family back home. In the afternoon, Arlena and I walked to the lake together. Right by the water, we found a big rock to sit on. And the view is amazing! I think I'll go there more often over the course of the year.

On Sunday, we all drove to Galway by car. Arlena and I had about 2 hours to explore the city. I also bought my first Ireland sweater there. And I have to say, Galway is really beautiful... I think the street musicians are one of my favorite things here in Ireland.

Week 2 of school

I don't know why, but the second week of school flew by so fast. It feels like it was just Monday, I came home from school and was totally excited about physical education. And now all of a sudden it's already Friday and the weekend.

How am I?

I have to admit, I thought for a long time whether I should include this here or if I even want to. As you can see, I decided to include it. I want to be honest and not just show the good sides. And maybe someone who wants to go abroad someday is reading this as well.

In the past few days, I've been struggling with homesickness. It's still not completely gone, but it's getting better. I still haven't fully settled in with the host family and I also have to find my way around school. I unintentionally compare the new host family to the first family quite often. But just because it may be different doesn't mean it's wrong. In school, I wasn't quite satisfied with my subjects at first. After several changes, thankfully it's better now! But even in Germany, I always stressed about school a lot. I started here 4 weeks later than everyone else, so I jumped into the middle of the topics. All of that in English and sometimes even technical terms, and I was completely overwhelmed and stressed... I think that contributed a lot to the homesickness. Also, because I often thought about home and how I would have handled everything there. I just wanted to be in my familiar environment, where I know what I have to do when and where the people are who I know I can rely on if I need help.

But... that's one point of a year abroad! In the end, you can be proud that you also mastered the difficult times. And I think in the end, you only think back to the positive experiences and things. For example, in the first host family, I also had difficulties feeling comfortable at the beginning. In the end, I didn't want to leave and now when I think about it, I think of a really great time. Of course, sometimes you also think of difficult moments, some you might not be able to forget completely... But the positive outweighs everything!!!

So... I just wanted to get that off my chest. Maybe it also helped me a bit to write everything down to see things differently and think more positively.

That's it for now. I hope you got a little insight into the first weeks with my final host family and school and that you liked the post.

See you later, take care.



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