
31.12. Martinique 🇲🇶

Gipatik: 07.01.2017

Today is the last day of the year 2016. We were already awakened before sunrise by the noises of the parking ship. Much earlier than planned, our ship reached the harbor and started loading the suitcases. Since it was possible to arrive and depart in Martinique on a weekly basis, the atmosphere of departure was already present the day before, and many people, especially French people, had already placed their suitcases in the corridor. Still a bit tired, I cuddled up to my Bautzi, but I couldn't fall back asleep. Around 8 o'clock we went for breakfast and met the other two, who were almost done. Today we had different plans. The two of them had booked a guided private tour through the north of the island, and we had rented a car. Before our exploration tour started, I quickly responded to and wrote to friends and family. Thanks to the EU and Telekom, I had the opportunity to use the internet free of charge. Stephan had to practically push me out of the room to leave on time. We already knew the harbor from boarding the ship and therefore found our way quickly. A man from Europcar was already standing at the entrance and allowed us to receive the rental car without any problems. We received a mint-green Citroen Cactus and set off through the capital to our first destination. After about 20 minutes of uphill driving, we reached a smaller replica of the Sacre Coure from Paris. The small church was idyllically located on a hill and offered a panoramic view of Fort de France. When we arrived there, I already heard my brother's voice, and it turned out that their guide had also brought them there. We chatted briefly and had our picture taken together. The church was simply furnished on the inside and somewhat affected by the climate. Since Christmas had just passed, there was a nativity scene near the altar, which included not only the familiar animals but also a rabbit, a turtle, and a snail. A few kilometers away, we reached the botanical garden. It is touted in the travel guide as one of the most beautiful in the Caribbean. The excursion almost failed because neither our EC card nor our VISA card worked. But to my relief, it was due to their internet connection. Since we did not have enough cash with us, we asked if we could pay half of the entrance fee of 13.50€ in euros and half in dollars. In the end, they gave us back the euros and kept only 15 dollars, saying it was fine. Okay, then we got 2 tickets for the price of one. Right at the entrance, small hummingbirds fluttered around a feeding station, and we could observe the small birds well. The garden was very well maintained and neatly laid out. A small highlight was the rickety suspension bridge. From there, we could see the green slopes on one side and the sea on the other. Unfortunately, we also saw dark clouds approaching. When we got in the car, it started to rain. At that time, we thought it would stop again, so we zigzagged through the green forests to the viewpoint, from which we should have had a beautiful panoramic view of Mount Pelee. Yes, unfortunately, it wasn't just raining, it was pouring. So we decided to wait and have a coffee in the small bistro. According to the weather app, it should rain for an hour and then stop in the next hour. Almost an hour later, the gray wall still didn't clear up, and we continued our tour. The former capital St. Pierre was the next destination. It was completely destroyed by a volcanic eruption in 1902, and thirty thousand people lost their lives. There was only one critically injured convict who survived in the prison. However, the small port city still looks miserable today, even though it is being rebuilt with EU and French subsidies. We drove back to the city of Fort de France along the coastal road. If it hadn't rained repeatedly, the panoramic tour would have been even better. Back in Fort de France, we parked the car near the beach promenade and walked into the city. But since today is New Year's Eve, the city seemed deserted with its closed shops. However, the city with its colorful facades and small balconies had a special charm. As the next dark clouds appeared in the sky, we decided to return to the ship. Unfortunately, there was no one from the car rental company there. However, since we arrived a bit earlier than expected, we took the key on board. Hungry, I was even looking forward to fast food and got the last salad. Stephan went back to the car rental station and returned the car to Europcar after a 20-minute wait. After that, we had some time to ourselves before meeting Danny and Schwägi in the wine bar and exchanging stories about the day. The two of them were very excited about their tour and the couple who not only put together a beautiful route but also impressed with self-prepared snacks. We had the New Year's Eve dinner, as usual, with the teacher couple. This time we opted for only 3 courses, as otherwise it would have been too tight to be on deck on time. But that didn't mean we arrived early. About 15 minutes before the New Year, we reached the upper deck with our champagne and quickly filled the six glasses. We counted down the last 10 seconds and raised a toast to the new year. Happy New Year!!! The new year was celebrated with music, and we went to bed around 2:30 am as the other two had to leave for their excursion at 9 am.


Mga taho sa pagbiyahe France