Gipatik: 09.07.2019
My stay in Motz is entering the next round.
The original plan was for me to stay here until the end of June and then move to a new host in Burgundy. I decided to cancel Burgundy because I really like it here and my hosts are great.
That was the joke of the last few weeks when guests were here for Aperol and the WWOOFer suddenly wanted to stay for another month.
As long as I can contribute to the entertainment of the group, that's great.
There's not much special happening here. Most of the day is spent weeding, planting new stuff, or watering.
And of course, I can't forget about my divas, the chickens. Opening the coop in the morning, filling up their water, feeding them every few days, collecting eggs, and closing the coop in the evening. Most mornings, I spend a few extra minutes chilling with my 55 ladies.